12-17.4   Powers and Duties of the Commission.
   The OPAT Commission shall have the power to:
   (A)   Create rules, regulations or procedures necessary to guide the conduct of investigations and making of findings and recommendations by the OPAT Staff, in keeping with all due process rights, applicable laws and statutes;
   (B)   By a two-thirds vote, subpoena witnesses and compel their testimony under oath, including, but not limited to, filing contempt proceedings with the Superior Court, compelling the discovery and production of documents, books, papers or evidence related to any matter under investigation by OPAT, and requiring the attendance during the examination of documentary material of any person having knowledge of the documentary material and taking testimony under oath or acknowledgment in respect of any such documentary material;
   (C)   Resolve differences that might arise between CRB and IAOP;
   (D)   In addition to business meetings necessary to fulfill other responsibilities of the OPAT Commission, it shall convene at minimum four community meetings per year across the Boston neighborhoods for the purpose of informing and updating the community about the work of the OPAT, and being informed by the community on matters of Police transparency, BPD policies and procedures, and other matters of policing in Boston;
      (1)   At such meetings, the OPAT Commission shall provide a public report on OPAT activities for the quarter, without disclosing personally identifiable information, including, but not limited to:
         (a)   The disposition of cases referred by OPAT to the CRB and IAOP;
         (b)   The disposition of CRB cases in which the CRB referred the matter to the Police Commissioner; what discipline, if any, was recommended by the CRB; and what discipline, if any, was implemented by the Police Commissioner;
         (c)   The number of complaints received, the type of misconduct alleged in those complaints and the investigatory status of those complaints;
         (d)   The race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation (if known) and age of the complainants;
         (e)   Any practices or policy investigations ongoing or completed, as well as any policy recommendations made pursuant to OPAT’s authority to investigate practices or patterns of behavior and BPD policies; and
         (f)   Efforts to promote OPAT’s function, availability and processes to the public.
      (2)   The meetings shall include a public comment period, during which time members of the public may address the OPAT Commission regarding any issue relevant to OPAT’s jurisdiction.
      (3)   The minutes of each public meeting will be posted online within a reasonable time following such meeting.
   (E)   The OPAT Commission shall meet with members of the Boston City Council and the Mayor on a semi-annual basis, or more frequently at the request of the OPAT Commission, Boston City Council or the Mayor, to discuss all topics relevant to the jurisdiction of the OPAT. The minutes of each meeting will be posted online within a reasonable time following such meeting;
   (F)   Adopt rules and regulations consistent with the laws of the commonwealth to carry out the powers and duties of the OPAT Commission and Executive Administration; and
   (G)   Act in any other manner consistent with this Section.
(CBC 1985 12-17.4; Ord. 2020 c. 7 § 1)