III. Acts of 1991, c. 108
   The elected School Committee was abolished and an appointed School Committee was established by St. 1991, c. 108 which was preceded by a nonbinding ballot question on November 7, 1989.
      “Should the elected school committee structure be changed to a new seven member school board serving four year terms, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council from a list of Boston residents selected by a nominating panel comprised of community leaders, parents, educators, business and labor leaders; provided that within eight years after any such change is enacted, voters shall be given the opportunity to evaluate the new governance structure?”
      Question 2 Results            November 7, 1989
Total Ballots
   St. 1991, c. 108 gained its final approval on July 5, 1991. A subsequent ballot question was presented to the voters of the City of Boston on November 5, 1996:
      “Shall an act passed in the General Court in 1991, entitled ‘An Act Reorganizing the School Committee of the City of Boston’ be repealed as of January 1998 and in place thereof the school committee structure as existing in 1991 be reconstituted after an election held in 1997?”
      Question 2 Results            November 5, 1996
Total Ballots
IV. Ballot Question 1 (2021): Charter Amendment
   Section 48 of the Charter, regarding the city’s annual budget process, was amended by a binding ballot question on November 2, 2021. The ballot question was submitted by the Council pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 43B.
   In 2020, a City Councilor, in accordance with G.L. c. 43B, §10(b), filed a written request with the City Clerk to amend the Boston City Charter (Docket #0851). Pursuant to G.L. c. 43B, §10(b), following the filed written request, the Council voted in the affirmative to amend the charter as proposed and the same was sent to the Attorney General’s Office for Constitutional and statutory review. The Attorney General’s Office ruled that provisions of the proposal requiring that the Mayor set aside a portion of the budget in a fund for participatory budgeting conflicted with state law.
   In 2021, a City Councilor, re-filed a written request and proposal including the Attorney General’s suggestions (Docket #0605). The Council voted in the affirmative to amend the charter as proposed and the same was sent back to the Attorney General’s Office for Constitutional and statutory review and no conflicts were found. Following communication from the Attorney General, the City Council President requested the City Clerk share the proposed amendment with the Board of Election Commissioners to mail out to registered voters (Docket #0895).
   Question 1: “Shall this city approve the charter amendment proposed by the city council summarized below?
Summary of Proposed Charter Amendment
   The proposed amendment to the Boston City Charter would change the City of Boston’s budget process in several ways.
   Under the proposed amendment, the Mayor and City Council would hold budgetary powers together, with the power to modify and amend appropriation orders. As is the case now, under the amendment only the Mayor may initially submit a budget or appropriation order. Currently, the City Council can adopt or reject a budget, or reduce specific items in a budget. Under the proposed amendment, the City Council would have the ability to amend the budget by reallocating funds among existing or new line items. The total amount of the City Council’s amended version of the budget, however, could not exceed the total amount of the budget proposed by the Mayor. The Mayor could accept or reject the City Council’s version of the budget, or amend any line item in the City Council’s version of the budget. The City Council would have the ability to override the Mayor’s veto or amendments by a two-thirds vote. In addition, the Mayor and City Council would also be able to amend the Boston Public School budget, subject to existing laws, providing that only the Boston School Committee may originate a school budget or allocate spending within a school budget.
   The proposed amendment also requires the City Council and Mayor to create by ordinance an independent Office of Participatory Budgeting, including an external oversight board, to further public engagement with public spending. Under the proposed amendment, the office could create and oversee an equitable and binding decision-making process open to all Boston residents. The structure of the office and oversight board, and the binding decision-making process on the budget, would be described in the future ordinance enacted by the City Council and the Mayor.”
Question 1 Results November 2, 2021
   A nomination petition shall be issued only to a person subscribing after the twenty-third Tuesday, and before the nineteenth Tuesday at 5:00 P.M., preceding the preliminary election, in a book kept for the purpose by the election commission, a statement of candidacy in substantially the following form:
   The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
   City of Boston
   Statement of Candidacy
   I, (name with first or middle name in full), under the pains and penalties of perjury declare that I reside at (street and number, if any) in District (number) of the City of Boston; that I am a registered voter of said City duly qualified to vote for a candidate for the office hereinafter mentioned; that I am a candidate for nomination for the office of (Mayor or City Councillor-at-Large or City Councillor representing District (number)) ______; that I request that my name be printed as such candidate on the official ballot to be used at the preliminary municipal election to be held on Tuesday, __________________, 19___, for the purpose of nominating candidates for election to such office; and that I also request that my nomination petition contain the following statement (not exceeding eight words) concerning the elective public offices now or formerly held by me:
Signature of Candidate
[Acts of 1948, c. 452, s. 55 as amended by Acts of 1951, c. 376, s. 2.55 as further amended by Acts of 1983, c. 342, s. 3, as further amended by Acts of 2004, c. 476, ss. 3, 4]
   A nomination petition may consist of one or more sheets; but each sheet shall be in substantially the following form.
   Every nomination petition sheet shall, before issuance, be prepared by the election commission by printing or inserting thereon the matter required by the first two paragraphs of the [] form [contained in this Appendix]. Not more than three hundred nomination petition sheets shall be issued to any candidate for nomination to the office of mayor under Plan A and not more than one hundred and fifty such sheets shall be issued to any candidate for nomination to the office of city councillor-at-large ... . Not more than twenty nomination sheets shall be issued to any candidate for nomination to the office of district city councillor....No nomination petition sheet shall be received or be valid unless prepared and issued by the election commission; nor shall any such sheet be received to be valid unless the written acceptance of the candidate thereby nominated is endorsed thereon, anything in section three A of chapter fifty of the General Laws to the contrary notwithstanding. [Acts of 1948, c. 452, s. 55, amended by Acts of 1951, c. 376, s. 2.55A, amended by Acts of 1983, c. 342, s. 4, and further amended by Acts of 2004, c. 476, ss. 5, 6]
   Whereas (name of candidate) residing at (street and number, if any) in District (number) of the City of Boston, (here insert any lawfully requested statement concerning the elective public offices held by candidate) is a candidate for nomination for the office of (Mayor or City Councillor-at-Large or District City Councillor...), the undersigned, registered voters of the City of Boston, duly qualified to vote for a candidate for said office, do hereby request that the name of said (name of candidate) as a candidate for nomination for said office be printed on the official ballot to be used at the preliminary municipal election to be held on Tuesday, __________, 19__.
   Each of the undersigned does hereby certify that he or she has not subscribed (if the petition relates to the office of mayor or district city councillor.... here insert: any other nomination petition for said office; if the petition relates to the office of city councillor-at-large ... , here insert: more than three other nomination petitions for said office).
   In case the above-named candidate withdraws his name from nomination or is found to be ineligible or dies, we authorize (names and residences of a committee of not less than five persons) or a majority thereof as our representatives to fill the vacancy in the manner prescribed by law.
(To be signed by the nominator in person with the nominator’s name precisely as given when the nominator registered to vote)
(If the nominator’s current residence is not the address at which the nominator is registered to vote then the nominator shall complete the column titled “Residence of Registration”)
(If the nominator is not registered to vote at the “Current Residence” then the nominator shall complete this column)
SUFFOLK, ss.                                 Boston,______________, 19____.
   The undersigned, being the circulator or circulators of this sheet, severally certify, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that the persons whose names are written upon the lines the number of which appear opposite our signatures below, signed the same in person.
I hereby accept the nomination.
Signature of Candidate
This nomination petition sheet filed by ______________________
   On the day of the posting provided for by section [twenty-six C], or as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, the election commission shall draw by lot the position of the candidates on the ballot. Each candidate shall have an opportunity to be present at such drawing in person or by one representative. As soon as conveniently may be after such drawing, the election commission shall cause the ballots to be printed. Said ballots shall, in addition to the directions and numbers provided for by section [twenty-eight], contain, in the order drawn by the election commission, the names posted as aforesaid (except those of candidates deemed under section [twenty-six C] to have been nominated), and no others, with a designation of residence and district and the title and term of the office for which the person named is a candidate, and the statement, if any, contained in his nomination petition concerning the elective public officers held by him. Said ballots shall be official and no others shall be used at the preliminary election. Said ballots shall be headed as follows:
   Candidates for nomination for the offices of _____________________________ in the
City of Boston at the preliminary municipal election to be held on Tuesday, ___________, 19_____.
The heading of said ballots shall be varied in accordance with the offices for which nominations are to be made. [Acts of 1948, c. 452, s. 58, amended by Acts of 1951, c.376, s. 2.58, and further amended by Acts of 1983, c. 342, s. 8]
In making such appointments the mayor shall sign a certificate in the following form:
   Certificate of Appointment
   I appoint (Name of Appointee) to the position of (Name of Office) and I certify that in my opinion he is a recognized expert in the work which will devolve upon him, and that I make the appointment solely in the interest of the city.                                                      , Mayor.
   Or in the following form, as the case may be:
   Certificate of Appointment
   I appoint (Name of Appointee) to the position of (Name of Office) and I certify that in my opinion he is a person specially fitted by education, training, or experience to perform the duties of said office, and that I make the appointment solely in the interest of the city.                     , Mayor
   The certificate shall be filed with the city clerk, who shall thereupon forward a certified copy to the civil service commission. The commission shall immediately make a careful inquiry into the qualifications of the nominee under such rules as they may, with the consent of the governor and council, establish, and, if they conclude that he is a competent person with the requisite qualifications, they shall file with the city clerk a certificate signed by at least a majority of the commission that they have made a careful inquiry into the qualifications of the appointee, and that in their opinion he is a recognized expert, or that he is qualified by education, training or experience for said office, as the case may be, and that they approve the appointment. Upon the filing of this certificate the appointment shall become operative, subject however to all provisions of law or ordinance in regard to acceptance of office, oath of office, and the filing of bonds. If the commission does not within thirty days after the receipt of such notice file said certificate with the city clerk the appointment shall be void. [Acts of 1909, c.486, s. 10]