SECTION 62. Establishment of the Surplus Property Disposition Fund.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary the proceeds from the disposition of any surplus property other than that acquired through tax title foreclosure shall be deposited in a separate fund which shall be set up on the books of the city and shall be known as the Surplus Property Disposition Fund, and shall be used only as follows:
(1) The amount equivalent to the debt incurred, and interest paid or payable thereon, as a result of the acquisition or improvement from time to time of the property shall be used only for purposes for which the city is authorized to incur debt for a period of ten years or more;
(2) All proceeds in excess of such amount shall be credited to the capital fund of the city unless the city council by a majority vote determines with the approval of the mayor to credit such proceeds to the general fund of the city.
[Acts of 1909, c. 486, s. 3, amended by Acts of 1941, c. 604, s. 1, amended by Acts of 1954, c. 24, amended by Acts of 1982, c. 190, s. 24, and further amended by Acts of 1986, c. 701, s. 4]
SECTION 63. Authority of the Public Facilities Commission to Dispose of Off-Street Parking Structures.
Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter four hundred and seventy-four of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-six or any other general or special law to the contrary, the public facilities commission of the city of Boston may dispose of any or all of the off-street parking structures, including the real estate related thereto, owned by the city of Boston, as surplus property in accordance with sections thirty-one B and thirty-one C of chapter four hundred and eighty-six of the acts of nineteen hundred and nine, only when transferred to the commission by a majority vote of the city council.
[Acts of 1909, c. 486, s. 3, amended by Acts of 1941, c. 604, s. 1, amended by Acts of 1954, c. 24, amended by Acts of 1982, c. 190, s. 24, and further amended by Acts of 1986, c. 701, s. 4]
SECTION 64. Loans Issued by the City.
All loans issued by the city after the passage of this act shall be made payable in annual installments in the manner authorized by section thirteen of chapter twenty-seven of the Revised Laws as amended by section one of chapter three hundred and forty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eight. No sinking fund shall be established for said loan. All bonds shall be offered for sale in such a manner that the effect of the premiums, if any, shall be to reduce the total amount of bonds issued. No city or county money shall be deposited in any bank or trust company of which any member of the board of sinking fund commissioners of said city is an officer, director, or agent.
[Acts of 1909, c. 486, s. 26]
SECTION 65. List of Department Employees.
Every officer and board in charge of a department of the city of Boston or county of Suffolk shall, on or before the sixth day of February in each year, prepare and furnish to the city auditor a list of the officials and employees under said officer or board and paid by the city or county on the first day of such February. Such list shall give the name, residence by street and ward, designation, compensation, and date of election or appointment of each of said officials and employees and the date when each first entered the employ of the city or county. It shall be the duty of the city auditor to verify said lists by the pay rolls and to keep a copy of said lists open for public inspection, and to prepare and publish in the City Record on or before the tenth day of April in each year a comparative table containing the number of such officials and employees holding office or employed in each such department or board and paid by the city or county on the compilation date in each of the ten years next preceding such publication. The term “compilation date”, as herein used, shall be construed to mean ... the first day of February.
[Acts of 1909, c. 486, s. 27, amended by Acts of 1938, c. 263, s. 1, and further amended by Acts of 1951, c. 111]