SECTION 42A.   Contracting without an Appropriation.
   Anything in section [forty-nine] or section [forty-two] to the contrary notwithstanding, city and county officers who are authorized to make expenditures, and the school committee, may, during any fiscal year, at the time of, or after, contracting for the performance or delivery during the remainder of such year of any work, services or supplies of a constantly recurrent nature, contract, without an appropriation, upon like or more favorable terms and conditions, for the performance or delivery of such work, services or supplies for the whole or any part of the first three months of the next fiscal year; provided, that in no event shall the average monthly liability incurred with respect to the next fiscal year exceed the average monthly liability for such work, services or supplies during the last nine months of the then current fiscal year.
[Acts of 1948, c. 452, s. 16A, amended by Acts of 1951, c. 182]
SECTION 43.   Appointment of a Finance Commission.
   Within sixty days after the passage of this act the governor with the advice and consent of the [governor’s] council shall appoint a finance commission to consist of five persons, inhabitants of and qualified voters in the city of Boston, who shall have been such for at least three years prior to the date of their appointment, one for the term of five years, one for four years, one for three years, one for two years, and one for one year, and thereafter as the terms of office expire in each year one member for a term of five years. Vacancies in the commission shall be filled for the unexpired term by the governor with the advice and consent of the council. The members of said commission may be removed by the governor with the advice and consent of the council for such cause as he shall deem sufficient. The chairman shall be designated by the governor. His annual salary ... shall be paid in monthly installments by the city of Boston. The other members shall serve without pay.
[Acts of 1909, c. 486, s. 17; but see Acts of 1964, c. 740, s. 3]
Editor’s note:
   “Subject to section two of this act and except as required by the constitution of the commonwealth, so much of each provision of the General Laws and of any special law as requires the advice and consent of the council to any appointment in the executive department, or to the fixing of any salary, or other compensation for services rendered, in the executive department, or to the removal of any person holding office in the executive department, including without limitation, any person appointed prior to the effective date of this act, is hereby repealed.” [Acts of 1964, c. 740, s. 3]