5-8.1   Corporation Counsel.
   The Law Department shall be under the charge of the Corporation Counsel, who shall furnish opinions on the law of any subject or question that may be submitted to him or her by the Mayor or the Boston City Council and on any subject or question relating to the discharge of their or his or her official duties that may be submitted to him or her by the School Committee, by any Committee of the City Council, or by four members of the City Council, or by any Officer in charge of a Department of the city government; provided, however, that in the event the interests of the Mayor and Council appear to the Council to be divergent or in conflict, the Council may have the benefit of the services of special counsel; shall, on application, advise any officer or employee of the city on any question of law connected with the discharge of his or her official duties; shall, subject to the direction of the Mayor, or of any Committee of the Boston City Council having charge of matters before the general court of the commonwealth, appear by himself or herself or assistants as Counsel for the city before the general court or before any Committee thereof, when the interest or welfare of the city is directly or indirectly affected; shall draft and approve the form of all written contracts; shall by himself or herself or by the city conveyancers examine all titles to real property which the city is to acquire, and furnish without charge all deeds or other legal papers necessary for the transfer of property to or from the city which the city is required by law, or has been accustomed, to so furnish; and shall audit all bills incurred by the Department; shall, subject to the direction of the Mayor, institute any suit or proceeding in behalf of the city which he or she shall deem the interest of the city requires; shall by himself or herself or by his or her assistants in the Law Department appear as Counsel in all suits, actions or prosecutions which may involve the rights or interests of the city, and defend the officers of the city in suits against them for their official actions, or for the performance of their official duties, or when any estate, right, privilege, interest, ordinance, act or direction of the city is brought in question; may take such steps, and incur such expenses, for the prosecution and defense of suits as he or she deems necessary; shall examine into the settlement of a claim when requested so to do by the Mayor or the head of any Department, and, if he or she deems such settlement advantageous to the city, shall approve the same; and may settle any suit against the city. All trustees, officers, members, employees and volunteers as well as every other person who shall, on a part-time and consultative basis, perform any professional services for the Boston Groundwater Trust, shall be advised, on application, by the City Law Department on any question of law connected with the discharge of their official duties. The City Law Department shall appear as Counsel in any suits, actions or prosecutions which may involve the rights or interests of the Trust, and defend the trustees, officers, employees or volunteers of the Trust in suits against them for their official actions, or for the performance of their official duties, or when any estate, right, privilege, interest, ordinance, act or direction of the Trust is brought in question; the City Law Department may take such steps, and incur such expenses, for the prosecution and defense of suits as the Corporation Counsel deems necessary; and the City Law Department shall look into the potential settlement of a claim when requested so to do by the co-chairs of the Trust and, if the Corporation Counsel deems such settlement advantageous to the Trust, may settle any claim or suit against the Trust, with the concurrence of the Board of Trustees of the Trust.
(Ord. June 18, 1827; Ord. April 2, 1866; Ord. March 25, 1882; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 17 § 1; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 450; Ord. 1979 c. 14; CBC 1985 5-8.1; Ord. 2021 c. 16 § 1)
   Statutes, Title 3 § § 1, 2; Statutes, Title 4 §§ 1, 8; Ord. ss 5-5.25; Ord. ss 11-7.6