There shall be in the city a Department known as the Department of Federally Funded Agencies. This Department shall be under the charge of a Board, known as the Board of Federally Funded Agencies, consisting of an Officer known as the Commissioner of Federally Funded Agencies, appointed by the Mayor for a term expiring on the first Monday of the January following the next biennial municipal election at which a Mayor is elected, who shall be the Chair of the Board and two other Officers known as Associate Commissioners of Federally Funded Agencies, each likewise appointed by the Mayor for a term expiring on the first Monday of the January following the next biennial municipal election at which a Mayor is elected.
(Ord. 1979 c. 21; CBC 1985 5-4.1)
(A) The Commissioner of Federally Funded Agencies shall exclusively have the powers, and perform the duties of a Department head with respect to the appointment, suspension, discharge, compensation and indemnification of subordinates for the Department; but otherwise, all powers and duties shall be exercised by the Board, and the Commissioner as a member of said Board.
(B) It shall be the duty of the Department to determine what funds are available from the United States to assist the city and its people, to obtain and to monitor the expenditure of all such funds and to administer all Agencies within the Department.
(C) Any Agency, purporting to be a City Agency, funded to an extent of 50% or more by such funds, existing on July 1, 1978, and continuing to exist on the date on which this Section is in force, which was not created and presently existing by previous ordinance, is hereby created and shall be in and subject to the administrative control of this Department.
(D) The Department of Federally Funded Agencies shall serve as a liaison between the city and the various federal Agencies providing funds to municipalities, informing said Agencies of the city’s needs with respect to federal programs and assistance; shall seek out and provide all Boston Municipal Agencies with federal funding information of import to said Agencies; shall procure, distribute and monitor the expenditure of federal funds to ensure compliance with federal law, rules, regulations and all other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. All Officers and employees of the Department shall be subject to the residency and/or voter registration requirements established by ordinance.
(Ord. 1979 c. 21; CBC 1985 5-4.2)