5-1.10   City Documents.
   (A)   The Purchasing Agent shall number and print as City Documents copies of the Mayor’s Inaugural or Annual Address, the Department Reports and such other matter as may be ordered to be printed in the form of a city document by the Boston City Council or by the Mayor. The number of copies of each document to be printed shall, unless specified by the Boston City Council, be determined by the Mayor; provided, however, that the minimum shall be 100, of which 50 copies shall be bound in sets of volumes containing all such city documents with an alphabetical index. All city documents and sets of volumes shall be delivered to the City Messenger and distributed in such manner as the Boston City Council may direct. The fee chargeable for any available printed city documents provided by the Boston City Council to persons other than City Departments shall be:
      (1)   Fifty cents for documents measuring 6 inches by 9 inches or less and numbering fewer than 25 pages;
      (2)   One dollar for documents measuring 6 inches by 9 inches or less and numbering between 25 and 100 pages;
      (3)   Two dollars for documents measuring 6 inches by 9 inches or less and numbering more than 100 pages;
      (4)   Two dollars and fifty cents for documents 8½ inches by 11 inches and numbering fewer than 100 pages;
      (5)   Three dollars and fifty cents for documents 8½ inches by 11 inches and numbering more than 100 pages; and
      (6)   Fifteen dollars for a copy of the book entitled “Boston’s Streets” and $15 for a copy of the book entitled “City of Boston, Municipal Register”.
   (B)   The fees shall be collected by the Staff Director or the Librarian of the Boston City Council and used to defray the cost of obtaining printed documents.
   (C)   Special publications shall, from time to time, be printed on the order of the Boston City Council approved by the Mayor to which the provisions of this Section, except as to distribution shall not apply.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 4 § 7; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 9; Ord. 1978 c. 3; CBC 1985 5-1.10; Ord. 1990 c. 11; Ord. 1999 c. 1)
5-1.11   Office of Participatory Budgeting.
5-1.11.1   Establishment.
   There shall be within the Finance Cabinet an office, known as the Office of Participatory Budgeting (the “Office”). The Office shall consist of a Director, appointed by the Mayor pursuant to Subsection 5-1.11.3, and an External Oversight Board (the “Board”), appointed by the Mayor pursuant to Subsection 5-1.11.5.
(Ord. 2023 c. 2)
5-1.11.2   Purpose.
   (A)   The purpose of the Office is to further public engagement and direct democratic involvement, and to align with the city’s goals of achieving and embedding equity and inclusion into city practices, and building collective capacity on issues of racial and social justice.
   (B)   Participatory budgeting in city spending will provide an official point of entry for residents to contribute to the city’s budget process. To accomplish this purpose, the Office, in partnership with the Board, shall create and oversee an equitable and binding decision-making process open to all city residents by Fiscal Year 2024, consistent with M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53 (“the Participatory Budgeting Process”). The Office shall build partnerships with other City Departments and Agencies, external organizations, and community representatives to promote year-round public involvement and engagement with the Participatory Budgeting Process. The Office shall establish an equitable and binding method of city resident engagement.
(Ord. 2023 c. 2)