The Supervisor of Personnel shall:
(A) Establish and maintain personnel records, as complete as practicable, for all persons in the service of the city;
(B) Make a continuing study of personnel problems, employment conditions and economic changes affecting the several Departments of the city;
(C) Recommend, from time to time, to the Mayor and the several Officers appointing subordinates, programs designed to provide opportunities for career service within the city and administrative policies tending to improve and coordinate the handling of personnel matters including providing annually to each city employee a statement of the city’s child care policy for city employees and a complete listing of all licensed child care centers in the city;
(D) Supervise the administration of all compensation plans established for employees of the city and recommend such changes in those plans as, from time to time, shall seem to him or her necessary or advisable; and
(E) Have the powers and perform the duties conferred or imposed on the Budget Commissioner by M.G.L. Chapter 35, Section 56. The Supervisor of Personnel shall furnish the Supervisor of Budgets such assistance as said Supervisor shall require in connection with the performance by said Supervisor of his or her duties under Subsection 5-1.5.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 4 § 4; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 6; CBC 1985 5-1.6; Ord. 1987 c. 16)
M.G.L. Chapter 35, Section 56
(A) The Supervisor of Personnel, on or before September 1, 1979, shall establish, subject to approval of the City Council, rules and regulations to govern personnel in the Youth Activities Commission which shall:
(1) Ensure that for all appointments to positions within the Commission, made after June 30, 1979, every reasonable effort shall be made to guarantee any resident of the city, who is qualified for any such position, timely notice that such position is available, reasonable opportunity to apply for such position and equal opportunity with all qualified applicants for appointment;
(2) Ensure that all employees of the Commission have equal opportunity for promotion, pay increases or other job-related benefits based on their training, experience and work performance as such employees; and
(3) Ensure that any such employee is given an opportunity to join a collective bargaining unit, if he or she so chooses, without interference from any Official or employee of the city.
(B) In addition, it shall also be the responsibility of said Supervisor, on or before September 1, 1979, to establish and submit to the City Council, job descriptions and qualifications for all positions within the Commission excepting that of Commissioner.
(Ord. 1979 c. 26; CBC 1985 5-1.7)
The Purchasing Agent shall, when satisfied of the legality of any requisition in writing signed by the Officer in charge of a Department requiring material or supplies of any kind, at once comply with such requisition and furnish the material or supplies requisitioned; shall require suitable evidence that the material or supplies furnished are accepted by the Officer issuing the requisition; and shall keep suitable records of all requisitions received and materials and supplies furnished.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 4 § 5; CBC 1975 Ord. T5 § 7; CBC 1985 5-1.8)