4-5.2   Continuance of this Section Until Repealed.
   The requirements contained herein shall continue in effect unless specifically repealed, notwithstanding any repeal of M.G.L. Chapter 30, Section 39M(c).
(CBC 1985 4-5.2; Ord. 1989 c. 3, § 101)
4-6.1   Definitions.
   For the purpose of this Section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   Any person or organization who, as a non-employee of the city, gives advice in the field of his or her knowledge or training, or provides a service, and whose compensation is payable from other than the salary and wage account as identified in the city’s Budget Code.
      (2)   This person or organization does not have to be in a supervisory role but merely identified as a non-employee of the city.
   EMPLOYEE. Any person whose compensation is payable from the salary and wage account as identified in the city’s Budget Code and shall not include people on the Trustee Payroll of Boston City Hospital.
(CBC 1985 4-6.1; Ord. 1989 c. 12, § 1)
4-6.2   Replacement of Unionized Employees by Consultant or Contractor Contracts Prohibited.
   Consultant or contractor contracts shall not be used to replace any positions currently held by unionized employees of the city or fill any vacant union positions.
(CBC 1985 4-6.2; Ord. 1989 c. 12, § 2)
4-6.3   Restriction on Hiring of Consultants to Supervise City Employees.
   After the effective date of this Section, unless an emergency situation exists and a waiver is approved by the Mayor and City Council, no person shall be hired by the city as a consultant or contractor, so-called, to directly or indirectly supervise another temporary, provisional or permanent employee of the city. This shall not apply to current consultant/contractor contracts or their reapproval.
(CBC 1985 4-6.3; Ord. 1989 c. 12, § 3)