The City Clerk shall keep a book containing the dates of appointment of all Officers appointed by the Mayor or elected by the Boston City Council and a statement, which shall be signed by every such Officer, that he or she accepts his or her Office subject to the statutes and ordinances.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 10 § 2; CBC 1975 Ord. T2 § 551; CBC 1985 2-10.2)
The City Clerk shall, when so directed by the Boston City Council, issue licenses and badges to minors, and shall in such case see that every such licensee conforms to the conditions of his or her license.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 10 § 3; CBC 1975 Ord. T2 § 552; CBC 1985 2-10.3)
Ord. ss 17-5.2; ss 17-5.3
(A) (1) Upon the recommendation of the Rules Committee of the Boston City Council, the Boston City Council shall, by a majority of its members, appoint an Assistant City Clerk who shall be thereafter approved by the Mayor and then qualified and sworn to the faithful discharge of the duties of the position. The Assistant City Clerk shall hold Office until the earliest of:
(a) The first Monday in February in the third calendar year of his or her appointment and qualification;
(b) The date delineated in any letter of resignation tendered by the Assistant City Clerk and accepted by a majority of the members of the Boston City Council; or
(c) The date that a successor to the Assistant City Clerk is appointed by a majority of the members of the Boston City Council and thereafter qualified and sworn, and nothing in this Section shall prevent an Acting Assistant City Clerk from serving as the successor under this Section until such time as an Assistant City Clerk is appointed and qualified.
(2) Nothing in this Section shall prevent the Assistant City Clerk from being appointed and qualified for successive terms.
(B) The Assistant City Clerk shall assist the City Clerk in the performance of his or her Office and shall discharge the duties of the City Clerk when that Officer is absent or when there is a vacancy in that Office. The certificate or attestation of the Assistant City Clerk shall have the same effect as that of the City Clerk.
(C) The City Clerk shall annually submit a written evaluation/performance review of the Assistant City Clerk to each of the members of the Boston City Council. The Rules Committee may meet with the City Clerk in order to discuss the evaluation/performance review and the responsibilities and performance of the Assistant City Clerk.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 10 § 4; CBC 1975 Ord. T2 § 553; Ord. 1977 c. 5; CBC 1985 2-10.4 Ord. 2004 c. 2 § 1; Ord. 2006 c. 6 § 1)
M.G.L. Chapter 41, Section 18
There shall be in the Office of the City Clerk a division, known as the Registry Division, as provided in the Charter as that term is defined in M.G.L. Chapter 4, Section 7, Clause 5.
(Ord. 1968 c. 14 § 4; Rev. Ord. 1961 (Sup. 1971) c. 10 § 6; CBC 1975 Ord. T2, § 554; CBC 1985 2-10.5)
M.G.L. Chapter 4, Section 7; Chapter 656, § 7 of Acts of 1965
At the Boston City Council meeting next succeeding the sixteenth day after the passage of every order, ordinance, resolution and vote of the Boston City Council presented to the Mayor in accordance with Section 2-12, the City Clerk shall notify the Boston City Council of the Mayor’s approval, disapproval or failure to either approve or disapprove and such notification shall be made a part of the record of such meeting.
(Ord. 1979 c. 6; CBC 1985 2-10.6)