1-2.7   Penalties.
   Any person violating any provision of Subsection 1-2.6 shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $20 for each offense, and not only the person actually doing the prohibited thing, but also his or her employer and every other person concerned in so doing shall be punished by such fine.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 1 § 11; CBC 1975 Ord. T1 § 8; CBC 1985 1-2.7)
1-2.8   Custodian.
   The City Messenger shall be custodian of the municipal standard and of the city flag.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 1 § 12; CBC 1975 Ord. T1 § 9; CBC 1985 1-2.8)
   The United States flag shall be displayed, unless the weather is unsuitable, upon the City Hall on every day except Sunday, and upon the other public buildings and public places where flag poles are available on Franklin’s Birthday, January 17; Lincoln’s Birthday, February 12; Washington’s Birthday, February 22; Evacuation Day, March 17; Patriots’ Day, April 19; Grant’s Birthday, April 27; Memorial Day, May 30; Flag Day, June 14; Bunker Hill Day, June 17; Independence Day, July 4; Labor Day, first Monday in September; anniversary of the settlement of Boston, September 17; Columbus Day, October 12; Veterans Day, November 11; and on such other days as the Mayor or the Boston City Council may, from time to time, order. Whenever any of the above-named days fall on Sunday, the flags shall be displayed on the following day. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Commissioner of real property to display the flag in accordance with this Section upon the City Hall and other public buildings under his or her care, custody and management.
(Ord. 1944 c. 2; Ord. 1953 c. 4 § 3; Ord. 1954 c. 2 § 79; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 1 § 13; CBC 1975 Ord. T1 § 10; CBC 1985 1-3)
   (A)   The purpose of this Section is to establish guidelines for the display by the city of:
      (1)   Flags of governments recognized by the federal government; and
      (2)   Other flags on City Hall Plaza.
   (B)   Nothing herein shall be construed to conflict with Subsections 1-2.4 to 1-2.7, inclusive or Section 1-3.
(CBC 1985 1-3A; Ord. 2022 c. 6)
1-3A.1   Policy.
   It is the policy of the city that flags should be displayed in conformance with federal and commonwealth policies, as stated in the federal “Our Flag” publication of the Congress, House Document No. 96-144; M.G.L. Chapter 2, Section 6 and M.G.L. Chapter 2, Section 6A.
(CBC 1985 1-3A.1; Ord. 2022 c. 6)
1-3A.2   Order of Precedence.
   Outdoor flags will be flown at city facilities in the following order of precedence: first, the United States flag; second, the commonwealth flag; and third, the city flag.
(CBC 1985 1-3A.2; Ord. 2022 c. 6)
1-3A.3   Special Occasions of Federal, Commonwealth and Local Proclamation.
   (A)   Flags on City Hall Plaza shall be displayed in accordance with the above standards. However, the Mayor may order flags to be lowered to half staff including, but not limited to, flags of the United States of America and the commonwealth in honor of the death of a city employee killed in the line of duty, or in observance of a specific event or circumstance.
   (B)   Pursuant to proclamation of the Mayor, or resolution of the Boston City Council, other flags may be flown by the city in place of the city flag.
(CBC 1985 1-3A.3; Ord. 2022 c. 6)