17-4.3   Signs.
   Every such shop-keeper shall put in some suitable and conspicuous place on his or her shop a sign having his or her name and occupation legibly inscribed thereon in large letters.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 28 § 3; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 402; CBC 1985 17-4.3) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1
17-4.4   Sales Restricted.
   No such shop-keeper holding a license from the Police Commissioner as a dealer in second-hand articles shall permit to be sold any article purchased or received by him or her until at least 30 days after its purchase or receipt. Nor shall any dealer in, or keeper of a shop for the purchase, sale or barter of, junk or old metals, permit to be sold any article purchased or received by him or her until at least one week after its purchase or receipt.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 28 § 4; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 403; CBC 1985 17-4.3) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1
   Subsection 16-24.1
17-4.5   Restriction on Display of Articles.
   No such shop-keeper holding a license from the Police Commissioner as a dealer in any second-hand articles shall permit to be displayed any second-hand furniture or household effects in any open area surrounding or appurtenant to the premises occupied by said license.
(Ords. 1931 c. 5; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 28 § 5; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 404; CBC 1985 17-4.5) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1
17-4.6   Weighers of Vessels and Ballast, Books and Accounts.
   The Weighers of Vessels and Ballast shall keep regular books showing the work done, the reports thereon, the fees earned and the dates of all certificates.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 28 § 6; M.G.L. Chapter 102, Section 6; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 405; CBC 1985 17-4.6) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1
   Statutes, Title 11 § 30
17-4.7   Office of Weighers.
   The Office of Weighers shall be open from sunrise to sunset on every day except Sundays and legal holidays, but may be closed during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., and during the other months from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and through the whole year from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 28 § 7; M.G.L. Chapter 102, Section 14; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 406; CBC 1985 17-4.7) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1
   Statutes, Title 11 § 30
17-4.8   Masters of Vessels to Report to Weigher; Inspection of Vessels.
   The master of every vessel that has stone, sand, gravel or ballast for sale by weight, to be delivered within the city, shall, on arrival, report in person at the Office of the Weighers, and shall produce for examination a certificate of the marks and measurements of his or her vessel whenever a weigher so demands. One of the weighers shall go on board every such vessel, and inspect its marks both before and after the delivery of such material, and inspect and weigh such material; and the person having charge of the vessel shall before such delivery, if so required by the weigher, pump out all the water in the vessel, and trim it so as to make it swim at equal marks at stem and stern, and shall not deliver any such material until inspected; but this Subsection shall not apply to sand sold for building purposes unless the purchasers request an inspection. Whoever violates any provision of this Subsection shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $100 for each offense.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 28 § 8; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 407; CBC 1985 17-4.8)
   Statutes, Title 11 § 30
17-4.9   Reports and Certificates.
   When a weigher has inspected and weighed any stone, sand, gravel or ballast in any vessel, he or she shall forthwith file a report in the Office of the Weigher, showing the name of the vessel, the vendor, the kind of material, the weight and deduction of light-water marks and the amount of fees received, and shall give a certificate, containing the same matters, to the vendor or owner, but such certificate shall not be given for any material sold out below light-water marks.
(Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 28 § 9; CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 408; CBC 1985 17-4.9) Penalty, see Subsection 16-32.1