16-66.2   Purpose.
   (A)   It is the purpose of this Section to promote public health, public safety, general welfare and the economic health and well-being of the city, its workers, visitors and residents, including individuals experiencing homelessness, by prohibiting unsanctioned camping and the dangerous and unsafe conditions surrounding such campsites.
   (B)   This Section seeks to improve access to housing and recovery services by restoring access to public spaces, the public rights-of-way and curtailing the existence of campsites that shield drug trafficking, human trafficking, weapons, fire hazards, violence and other criminal activity, and that create conditions for large crowds to congregate. It is also the purpose of this Section to protect the rights of individuals related to his or her personal property and to treat such property with respect and consideration.
   (C)   This Section shall apply to all campsites and camping on public property, including, but not limited to, streets, sidewalks and public rights-of-way.
(Ord. 2023 c. 9)
16-66.3   Unlawful Camping on Public Property.
   It is unlawful for any person to camp or maintain a campsite or camp materials in or on any public property or in the public right-of-way, including, but not limited to, any street, sidewalk, school or public park, unless specifically authorized or during a period when shelter is unavailable.
(Ord. 2023 c. 9)
16-66.4   Restrictions on Unlawful Camping During a Period when Shelter is Unavailable.
   (A)   The prohibition against campsites and camping shall not apply during a period when shelter is unavailable.
   (B)   City Officials shall maintain daily, and revise regularly, a shelter list that is communicated throughout the day to the Boston Police Department and other City Departments for the purpose of identifying available shelter space.
   (C)   During a period when shelter is unavailable, or when a campsite is specifically authorized, a campsite or use of camping materials must comply with existing state and local laws to ensure the public health and safety of those in and around the campsite.
   (D)   During any period when shelter is unavailable, the Mayor’s Office of Housing, in consultation with the Boston Public Health Commission, the Boston Police Department and the Inspectional Services Department, is hereby authorized to promulgate any additional restrictions relative to the time, place and manner for camping, and density of campsites, in order to advance public health, maintain access to the public right-of-way and support the effective operation of facilities such as schools, shelters and health care institutions during such periods.
(Ord. 2023 c. 9)
16-66.5   Offer of Shelter.
   (A)   In the event of a violation of this Section, the city shall provide, or cause to be provided, an offer of available emergency shelter space to an individual experiencing homelessness, and must inform that individual that transportation to available emergency shelter space is available.
   (B)   Each emergency shelter space offered to an individual shall be at a shelter, housing accommodation or alternative sleeping space that maintains policies and procedures for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.
(Ord. 2023 c. 9)