16-58.6   Unified Statement.
   (A)   The OTARD user, other responsible parties and installer must file or notify the Department in unified statement for activities outlined in Subsections 16-58.3,16-58.4 and 16-58.5.
   (B)   The copies of signed unified statements for installation, maintenance and removal must be provided to the OTARD users, the other responsible parties and the Department. The OTARD installer must maintain a record of such statement at its Office with regular business no less than two years after the effective termination or expiration of use or subscription.
(CBC 1985 16-58.6; Ord. 2012 c. 3)
16-58.7   Appropriate City Authority.
   (A)   The Department will assume primary jurisdiction to ensure, among others, legitimate safety objectives in association with installation, use, maintenance and removal of the OTARD devices. The Department shall promulgate rules and regulations if necessary to implement the provisions of this Section.
   (B)   Non-compliance with Subsections 16-58.3 and 16-58.5 may constitute violations of applicable commonwealth and city building regulations and requirements, and result in applicable enforcement actions.
(CBC 1985 16-58.7; Ord. 2012 c. 3)