16-42.4   Possession Restricted.
   (A)   No student shall possess a laser pointer on school premises.
   (B)   No person 18 years of age and younger shall possess a laser pointer while in a public space; provided however, that nothing in this Section shall preclude:
      (1)   The possession on school premises of a laser pointer by a student 18 years of age or younger for a valid instructional, school-related or employment purpose, where such laser pointer is used under the supervision of a school staff person, other authorized instructor or parent; or
      (2)   The possession in a public place of a laser pointer by a person 18 years of age and younger, during such person’s hours of employment, for a valid employment purpose where such laser pointer is used under the supervision of the employer or its agent.
(CBC 1985 16-42.4; Ord. 1999 c. 2 § 4) Penalty, see Subsection 16-42.6
16-42.5   Harassment by Laser Beams in Public Prohibited.
   No person, regardless of age, shall focus, point or shine a laser beam directly or indirectly on another person in a public place or in a moving vehicle in such a manner as is intended to harass or annoy said person or any person operating a moving vehicle.
(CBC 1985 16-42.5; Ord. 1999 c. 2 § 5) Penalty, see Subsection 16-42.6
16-42.6   Penalty.
   Any person found to be in violation of this Section shall be fined $300 per offense. Enforcement of this Section shall be by noncriminal disposition as provided by in M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 21D or by filing a criminal complaint at the appropriate venue.
(CBC 1985 16-42.6; Ord. 1999 c. 2 § 6)
   In the city, all delivery personnel, including letter carriers, whether employed by a private firm, a government Agency or government-supported corporation, shall use sidewalks and accepted and approved walkways when accessing private property, and, excepting for necessity or emergency, shall refrain from traversing lawns or other private property not normally used as a walkway by the general public in order to effect delivery.
(CBC 1985 16-43; Ord. 2000 c. 3)