16-16.7   Safety Distances.
   No person having the control of the speed of a street-railway car in any street shall, except in case of accident, or to prevent injury to persons or property, allow such a car to go within 10 feet of a car or other vehicle in front.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 331; CBC 1985 16-16.7)
16-16.8   Avoiding Collisions; Obeying Police Directions.
   No person having control of the speed of a street-railway car shall allow it in any street to go against or afoul of any person, vehicle or thing whatsoever; nor shall any such person fail to stop his or her car at any place in a street when directed by a Police Officer so to do.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 332; CBC 1985 16-16.8)
16-16.9   Precautions; Warning Bells.
   No person having control of the speed of a street-railway car passing in a street shall fail to keep a vigilant watch for all teams, carriages and persons, especially children, nor shall such person fail to strike a bell several times in quick succession on approaching any team, carriage or person, and no person shall, after such striking of a bell, delay or hinder the passage of the car.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 333; CBC 1985 16-16.9)