16-16.5   Proximity to Roads.
   Where the railway lies within a highway and is close to narrow travelled road, the speed of the car must be reduced to meet this condition whenever such road is in rightful use by others.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 329; CBC 1985 16-16.5)
16-16.6   Joint Use of Roads.
   Where the railway occupies a portion of the travelled road, the absence of any exclusive right-of- way on the part of the car makes it necessary that its speed be, from time to time, so restricted as to permit others to safely exercise their common right to a reasonable use of the road.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 330; CBC 1985 16-16.6)
16-16.7   Safety Distances.
   No person having the control of the speed of a street-railway car in any street shall, except in case of accident, or to prevent injury to persons or property, allow such a car to go within 10 feet of a car or other vehicle in front.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 331; CBC 1985 16-16.7)
16-16.8   Avoiding Collisions; Obeying Police Directions.
   No person having control of the speed of a street-railway car shall allow it in any street to go against or afoul of any person, vehicle or thing whatsoever; nor shall any such person fail to stop his or her car at any place in a street when directed by a Police Officer so to do.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 332; CBC 1985 16-16.8)
16-16.9   Precautions; Warning Bells.
   No person having control of the speed of a street-railway car passing in a street shall fail to keep a vigilant watch for all teams, carriages and persons, especially children, nor shall such person fail to strike a bell several times in quick succession on approaching any team, carriage or person, and no person shall, after such striking of a bell, delay or hinder the passage of the car.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 333; CBC 1985 16-16.9)