16-1.2   Reserved.
   (CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 251; CBC 1985 16-1.2; Repealed by Ord. 1991 c. 5 § 2)
16-1.3   Decayed Food.
   No person shall bring into the city, or have in his or her possession with intent to sell, any decayed or damaged fruit, vegetable or animal substance, except in accordance with a permit from the Division of Health Inspections, Inspectional Services Department.
(CBC 1975 Ord. T14 § 252; CBC 1985 16-1.3; 1991 c. 5 § 3)
16-1.4   Reserved.
   (Ord. 1976 c. 11 § 2; CBC 1985 16-1.4; Repealed by Ord. 1991 c. 5 § 4)
16-1.4A   Bakery—Food Products, Retail Sale of.
   No person shall carry on the business of a bakery, nor sell at retail: meat, produce, dry groceries, dairy products, frozen foods or any other food products without a permit issued by the Division of Health Inspections, Inspectional Services Department under the authority of the commonwealth’s Sanitary Code.
(CBC 1985 16-1.4A; Ord. 1991 c. 5 § 4)
16-1.5   Reserved.
   (Ord. 1976 c. 11 § 2; Repealed by Ord. 1991 c. 5 § 4)