General Provisions
   153.001   Statutory authorization; title
   153.002   Purpose
   153.003   Interpretation and application
   153.004   Definitions
Administration and Enforcement
   153.015   Zoning clearance permit; fee
   153.016   Building permits and certificates of occupancy; fee
   153.017   Amendments; procedure and fees
   153.018   Vacation of public easements
   153.019   Invalidity; saving clause
Board of Adjustment
   153.030   Establishment; appointment
   153.031   Procedure; meetings
   153.032   Appeals
   153.033   Public hearing required
   153.034   Variances and special exceptions; filing fee
   153.035   Appeal to District Court
Zoning Districts; Map
   153.050   Districts established
   153.051   Zoning Map
   153.052   Boundaries of districts
   153.053   A-1, General Agricultural District
   153.054   R-1, Single-Family Residential District
   153.055   R-2, General Residential District
   153.056   C-1, Convenience Commercial District
   153.057   C-2, Highway Commercial and Commercial Recreation District
   153.058   C-3, General Commercial District
   153.059   I-1, Light Industrial District
   153.060   I-2, Heavy Industrial District
Provisions Applying to All Districts
   153.075   Application of regulations
   153.076   Existing buildings and land use
   153.077   Height and density
   153.078   Principal and accessory buildings
   153.079   Street access
   153.080   Off-street parking
   153.081   Storage and parking of trailers, commercial vehicles
   153.082   Annexations
   153.083   Existing lots of record
   153.084   Multiple dwellings
Non-Conforming Buildings and Uses
   153.095   Intent
   153.096   Non-conforming lots of record
   153.097   Non-conforming structures
   153.098   Non-conforming uses of structures
   153.099   Non-conforming uses of land
   153.999   Penalty