(A) General description. This residential district is intended to provide for both low and moderate population density. It is established as a district in which the principal uses of the land are for multi-family dwellings and similar higher density residential development. The intent is to encourage the development and the continued use of land for multi-family dwellings and to prohibit commercial and industrial uses or any other use which would substantially interfere with the development or continuation of multi-family dwellings in this district. It is further intended to discourage any use which would generate traffic or create congestion on the neighborhood streets other than the normal traffic which serves the multi-family dwelling or similar residential uses in this district and discourage any use which, because of its characteristics or size, would create additional requirements and costs for public services which are in excess of such requirements and costs if the district were developed solely for multi-family or other similar residential uses.
(Prior Code, § 10-7B-1)
(B) Uses permitted.
(1) Principal uses. The following uses are permitted in any R-2 General Residential District, and are subject to all the general provisions and regulations of this chapter:
(a) Any use permitted in § 153.054(B) of this chapter for the R-1 Single-Family District;
(b) Duplexes;
(c) Multi-family dwellings; and
(d) Rooming or boarding houses.
(2) Accessory buildings and uses. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses are permitted when located on the same lot.
(Prior Code, § 10-7B-2)
(C) Uses permitted subject to additional requirements.
(1) Principal uses. The following uses are permitted; provided, they meet the requirements noted for each use in addition to applicable area regulations:
(a) Childcare centers or day nurseries; provided that, such centers or nurseries are located on a lot not less than 10,000 square feet in area and have their principal access on a major street as shown on the trafficways plan;
(b) Convalescent homes, rest homes, nursing homes and hospitals, public or private; provided that, they have frontage on a major street as shown on the trafficways plan;
(c) Lodges and other service institutions; provided that, they are located on a lot of not less than one acre and have frontage on a major street as shown on the trafficways plan; and
(d) Mobile home courts, in compliance with division (H) below.
(2) Uses in R-1 District. Any uses permitted subject to additional requirements in § 153.054(C) of this chapter for the R-1 Single-Family Residence District, are permitted in this district.
(Prior Code, § 10-7B-3)
(D) Area, setback and height regulations.
Min. Lot Area | Min. Lot Frontage | Max. Percent Coverage | Max. Height | Front Yard Setback | Side Yard Setback | Rear Yard Setback |
6,000 sq. ft. | 50% | 50% | Single-family 35’ | 25’ | 5’ | 20’ |
(1) Front yard.
(a) When a yard has double frontage, the front yard requirements shall be complied with on both streets; and
(b) One foot of setback for each one foot of height for all uses other than single-family and duplex.
(2) Side yard.
(a) For dwellings and accessory buildings located on corner lots, there shall be a side yard setback from the intersecting street of not less than 15 feet; and
(b) One foot of setback for each one foot of height for all uses other than single-family and duplex.
(3) Rear yard.
(a) Unattached buildings of accessory uses may be located in the rear yard of a main building; provided, however, that, no accessory building shall be located closer than five feet to the rear lot line; and
(b) One foot of setback for each one foot of height for all uses other than single-family and duplex.
(4) Lot size requirements. There shall be a lot area of not less than 8,000 square feet for a two-family dwelling, and an additional area of not less than 2,000 square feet for each unit, more than two. If the lot is a wedge shaped lot which meets the requirements of minimum lot size, it may have less than the minimum requirements for frontage as long as the front building line of the lot is a minimum of 70 linear feet.
(Prior Code, § 10-7B-4)
(E) Off-street parking. In the R-2 General Residential District, the off-street parking requirements are the same as those in § 153.080 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 10-7B-5)
(F) Sewer service. No dwelling unit in an R-2 General Residential District shall be constructed which is not provided with an effective connection to a public sewer system unless and until the county’s Public Health Officer certifies that a septic tank or any substitute disposal system can be satisfactorily installed on the lot. As a basis for making his or her decision, the Health Officer may require such percolation tests as he or she deems to be necessary. Such tests shall be made at the expense of the homeowner.
(Prior Code, § 10-7B-6)
(G) Signs and billboards. The control of signs and billboards in the R-2 General Residential District is the same as that in § 153.054(G) of this chapter for the R-1 Single-Family Residential District.
(Prior Code, § 10-7B-7)
(H) Mobile home park or court. Upon compliance with the provisions as set forth herein, a mobile home trailer park will be allowed within the R-2 General Residential District.
(1) Site plan. The applicant, upon making application for a zoning clearance permit, must submit a detailed site plan locating all mobile home stands, screening or fencing, and plans and specifications for the proposed park in a form suitable for making the determinations required herein.
(2) Requirements for site.
(a) The proposed site shall be a minimum of two acres in size and shall contain no more than ten mobile home stands per acre.
(b) The proposed site shall have a minimum frontage of 200 feet on a street designated as a major street or collector street in the trafficways plan. All access or egress by automobiles will be on such streets.
(c) The proposed site shall be a minimum of 200 feet in depth.
(3) Occupancy. It shall be the intention of the proposed plan for the mobile home park to accommodate primarily permanent occupants with no more than 10% of the mobile home stands devoted to purely transient purposes. These purely transient stands shall be located in one area of the park so they will in no way interfere with the permanent residents.
(4) Yards. The proposed site shall have a front yard of not less than 20 feet from the corner line of any mobile home stand to the street boundary of the park. The site shall have side and rear yards of ten feet from any solid fencing, screen planting or wall of six feet in height.
(5) Screening. The proposed site shall be screened or buffered on all sides with a solid wall fence six feet in height or a screen planting which will attain at least six feet in height.
(6) Parking. The proposed site shall provide one off-street parking space for each mobile home stand, plus one additional off-street parking space for each four mobile home stands.
(7) Connection to utilities. The proposed site shall provide a connection for each mobile home stand to all public utilities considered necessary for the health, safety and general welfare of the public.
(Prior Code, § 10-7B-8)
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
(A) General description. This commercial district is intended for a unified grouping, in one or more buildings, of retail shops and stores and personal services that provide for the regular needs and are for the convenience of the people residing in the adjacent residential neighborhoods. It is intended that the suburban convenience center be developed as a unit with adequate off-street parking space for customers and employees, and with appropriate landscaping and screening.
(Prior Code, § 10-8A-1)
(B) Uses permitted. All buildings or uses hereafter established or enlarged shall comply with the conditions and restrictions enumerated below:
(1) Principal uses. Any of the following uses shall be permitted:
(a) Artist supplies and hobby shops;
(b) Automobile service stations;
(c) Bakery shops;
(d) Barber and beauty shops;
(e) Bookstores;
(f) Clothing or wearing apparel shops;
(g) Dairy products stores;
(h) Delicatessens;
(i) Drugstores;
(j) Florist shops;
(k) Gift shops;
(l) Grocery stores;
(m) Hardware stores;
(n) Jewelry stores;
(o) Laundry and dry cleaning pick-up stations;
(p) Liquor stores;
(q) Medical facilities;
(r) Offices, general;
(s) Pharmacies;
(t) Public uses;
(u) Restaurants;
(v) Self-service laundries;
(w) Shoe repair shops;
(x) Tailor shops;
(y) Taverns;
(z) Toy stores; and
(aa) Variety stores.
(2) Other uses. Any other commercial uses deemed by the Board of Adjustment to be of a similar nature; and
(3) Accessory buildings and uses. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to the above uses shall be permitted.
(Prior Code, § 10-8A-2)
(C) Area, setback and height regulations.
Min. Lot Area | Min. Lot Frontage | Max. Percent Coverage | Max. Height | Front Yard Setback | Side Yard Setback | Rear Yard Setback |
12,000 sq. ft. | 100’ | 50% | 35’ | 50’ | 10’ | 20’ |
(1) Minimum area. The parcel of land on which a convenience commercial center is located shall not be less than 12,000 square feet, nor more than two acres, in area.
(2) Yard requirements. It is intended that the grouping of buildings and parking areas be designed to protect, insofar as possible, adjacent residential areas. In no case shall the design of the shopping center provide less than the following standards.
(a) All buildings shall be set back from all street right-of-way lines not less than 50 feet.
(b) On the side of a lot adjoining a residential district, there shall be a side yard setback of one foot for each one foot of height.
(Prior Code, § 10-8A-3)
(D) Bulk limitations; floor area ratio. In no instance shall the total floor space of the structures in this district exceed the relationship of one to four (1:4) (i.e., there must be provided four square feet of lot area to each one square foot of floor space in the structure).
(Prior Code, § 10-8A-4)
(E) Off-street parking. In the C-1 Convenience Commercial District, three square feet of off-street parking space, dedicated to parking and automobile maneuvering, must be provided for each one square foot of total floor space.
(Prior Code, § 10-8A-5)
(F) Sewer service. No structure or use in any commercial district shall be erected or commenced which does not have a connection to the public sewer system, unless and until the county’s Health Officer certifies that a septic tank or any substitute disposal system can be installed and operated effectively. As a basis for making his or her decision, the Health Officer may require such percolation tests as he or she deems to be necessary. Such tests shall be made at the expense of the landowner.
(Prior Code, § 10-8A-6)
(G) Signs and billboards. All signs in the C-1 District shall be erected upon private property and shall not encroach upon any public street or walk, except as provided by the applicable municipal codes; and, in addition, signs shall not overhang at a height of less than nine feet and shall not have a maximum projection greater than 72 inches.
(1) Projection sign. Any projection sign in the C-1 District shall not exceed 50 square feet in size, nor will it exceed the height of the building.
(2) Incandescent lighting. No source of incandescent lighting used for illuminating signs shall be directly visible from any street or highway or from any residence, hotel or from any room used for sleeping purposes.
(3) Red, green or amber illumination.
(a) The use of red, green or amber illumination in connection with any sign shall not be permitted within 100 feet of any intersection.
(b) Any use of red, green or amber illumination in connection with any sign must be so located that it in no way creates a confusion with any traffic signal or may be interpreted by any motorist as a traffic signaling device.
(4) Shopping centers. All advertising signs relating to a shopping center, and the stores and shops therein shall be designed as an integral part of the shopping center development and shall be harmonious with the other design features of the center.
(Prior Code, § 10-8A-7)
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
(A) General description. This commercial district is established as a district in which the principal use of land is for establishments offering accommodations, supplies or services to motorists, and for certain specialized uses such as retail outlets, extensive commercial amusements and service establishments which may serve the entire community, but do not and should not locate in the Central Business District or the Convenience District.
(Prior Code, § 10-8B-1)
(B) Uses permitted.
(1) Uses in C-1 District. Any use permitted in the C-1 Convenience Commercial District;
(2) Principal uses. Other uses, including:
(a) Advertising signs or structures;
(b) Ambulance services, offices or garages;
(c) Amusement enterprises;
(d) Automobile sales and service (new and used); new and used machinery sales and service; and public garages;
(e) Automobile service stations;
(f) Bakeries;
(g) Boat sales;
(h) Bowling alleys;
(i) Bus terminals;
(j) Clothing stores;
(k) Dance halls;
(l) Department stores;
(m) Drive-in theaters or restaurants;
(n) Electric transmission stations;
(o) Feed and fuel stores;
(p) Food stores;
(q) Frozen food lockers;
(r) Funeral parlors;
(s) Furniture repair and upholstery;
(t) Garden stores;
(u) Golf courses, miniature or practice ranges;
(v) Heating and plumbing safes and services;
(w) Hospital for small animals;
(x) Ice plants;
(y) Interior decorating stores;
(z) Kennels;
(aa) Key shops;
(bb) Laundries;
(cc) Motels;
(dd) Music, radio and television shops and repair shops;
(ee) Nightclubs;
(ff) Novelty shops;
(gg) Pawnshops;
(hh) Pet shops;
(ii) Printing plants;
(jj) Public uses;
(kk) Recreation centers, private;
(ll) Research laboratories;
(mm) Roller skating rinks;
(nn) Sign painting shops;
(oo) Sporting goods stores;
(pp) Stockbrokers;
(qq) Taverns;
(rr) Theaters;
(ss) Toy stores;
(tt) Travel trailer parks and sales; and
(uu) Wholesale distributing centers.
(3) Accessory buildings and uses. Buildings, structures and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses shall be permitted; provided that, there shall be no manufacturing of products other than such as are customarily incidental to retail establishments; and
(4) Certain other uses. Any other store or shop for retail trade or for rendering personal, professional or business service which does not produce more noise, odor, dust, vibration or traffic than those above.
(Prior Code, § 10-8B-2)
(C) Area, setback and height regulations.
Min. Lot Area | Min. Lot Frontage | Max. Percent Coverage | Max. Height | Front Yard Setback | Side Yard Setback | Rear Yard Setback |
10,000 sq. ft. | 100’ | 70% | 45’ | 50’ | 1’ of setback per 1’ of height when abutting an R district | 20’ |
(Prior Code, § 10-8B-3)
(D) Off-street parking. In the C-2 Highway Commercial and Commercial Recreation District, a minimum of three square feet of off-street parking space, dedicated to parking and automobile maneuvering, must be provided for each one square foot of total floor space.
(Prior Code, § 10-8B-4)
(E) Signs and billboards. The control of signs and billboards in the C-2 Highway Commercial and Commercial Recreation District is the same as that in § 153.056(G) of this chapter for the C-1 Convenience Commercial District.
(Prior Code, § 10-8B-5)
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
(A) General description. This commercial district is designed for the conduct of personal and business services and the general retail trade of the community. It is designed to accommodate a wide variety of commercial uses in the Central Business District or areas of mixed business enterprises. It will not normally be applied in the case of new commercial areas.
(Prior Code, § 10-8C-1)
(B) Uses permitted. Property and buildings in a C-3 General Commercial District may be used for the following purposes:
(1) Any use permitted in a C-1 or a C-2 Commercial District;
(2) Any other retail, personal service, business service or professional use not already mentioned;
(3) Any public buildings or uses; and
(4) Buildings, structures and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses; provided that, there shall be no manufacturing of products other than such as are customarily incidental to retail establishments.
(Prior Code, § 10-8C-2)
(C) Area, setback and height regulations.
Min. Lot Area | Min. Lot Frontage | Max. Percent Coverage | Max. Height | Front Yard Setback | Side Yard Setback | Rear Yard Setback |
None | None | 70% | None | None | None | None |
(Prior Code, § 10-8C-3)
(D) Off-street parking. In the C-3 General Commercial District, there shall be provided one off- street parking space for each 400 square feet of gross retail floor area.
(Prior Code, § 10-8C-4)
(E) Signs and billboards. The control of signs and billboards in the C-3 General Commercial District is the same as that in § 153.056(G) of this chapter for the C-1 Convenience Commercial District.
(Prior Code, § 10-8C-5)
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
(A) General description.
(1) The purpose of the I-1 Light Industrial District is to provide a location for industries which do not, by their nature, create nuisances. The intent is to preserve this land for industry in a location beneficial to industries and to prohibit non-industrial uses.
(2) Because of the traffic generated and other objectionable influences created in this district, it is necessary to provide a buffer or setback area between this district and any other zoning district, except Heavy Industrial District I-2.
(Prior Code, § 10-9A-1)
(B) Standards. Any use constructed, established, altered or enlarged in the I-1 Light Industrial District after the effective date of this chapter shall be so operated as to comply with the following standards.
(1) Residential. No building shall be used for residential purposes; except that, a watchman may reside on the premises.
(2) Retail sales or services. No retail sales or services shall be permitted, except as incidental to or accessory to a permitted use.
(3) Noise. No noise from any operation conducted on the premises, other than that emanating from vehicular traffic, either continuous or intermittent, shall be detectable at any boundary line of the I-1 District.
(4) Toxic, noxious, odorous matter. No toxic matter, noxious matter, smoke, gas or odorous or particulate matter shall be emitted that is detectable beyond the lot lines of the zoning lot on which the use is located.
(5) Vibrations. No vibrations shall be detectable beyond the lot lines of the zoning lot on which the use is located.
(6) Exterior lighting. Exterior lighting fixtures shall be shaded wherever necessary to avoid casting direct light upon property located in any residence district.
(7) Flammable materials. The manufacture of flammable materials which produce explosive vapors or gases is prohibited.
(8) Glare or heat. Any operation that produces intense glare or heat shall be performed within a completely enclosed building, and exposed sources of light shall be screened so as not to be detectable beyond the lot lines.
(Prior Code, § 10-9A-2)
(C) Uses permitted.
(1) Principal uses. The following uses are permitted in the I-1 Light Industrial District:
(a) Building materials sales;
(b) Commercial radio and television transmitting antenna towers and other electronic equipment requiring outdoor towers, including antenna towers for the dispatching of private messages;
(c) Compounding, processing and blending chemical products, but not including any materials which decompose by detonation;
(d) General and administrative offices;
(e) Machine shops and metal products manufacture and tool and die shops;
(f) Mail order houses;
(g) Manufacturing and assembling electrical and electronic products and equipment;
(h) Manufacturing and assembling (or any combination of such processes) products from wood, cork, glass, leather, fur, plastic, felt and other textiles, but not including, as a principal operation, the processing of any raw materials;
(i) Printing and binding plants;
(j) Public utility distribution centers;
(k) Research laboratories;
(l) Warehouses and storage facilities; and
(m) Water filtration plants, pumping stations, reservoirs and lift stations.
(2) Other uses. Any other manufacturing process or establishment which can operate in compliance with the aforementioned requirements shall be permitted.
(3) Accessory uses. Accessory uses incidental to and on the same zoning lot as a principal use shall be permitted.
(Prior Code, § 10-9A-3)
(D) Area, setback and height regulations. All buildings and uses hereafter established or enlarged shall comply with the following requirements:
Min. Lot Area | Min. Lot Frontage | Max. Percent Coverage | Max. Height | Front Yard Setback | Side Yard Setback | Rear Yard Setback |
None | None | 40% | 90’ | 50’ | 25’ | 30’ |
50’ min. or 1’ per each 1’ of height when adjacent to residential district | 50’ min. or 1’ per each 1’ of height when adjacent to residential district |
(Prior Code, § 10-9A-4)
(E) Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be provided, as required in § 153.080 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 10-9A-5)
(F) Sewer service. No structure or use in the I-1 District shall be erected, commenced or allowed to continue, which does not have a connection to the public sewerage system unless and until the county’s Public Health Officer certifies that a septic tank or any substitute disposal system can be installed and operated effectively. As a basis for making his or her decision, such Health Officer may require such percolation tests as he or she deems to be necessary. Such tests shall be made at the expense of the landowner.
(Prior Code, § 10-9A-6)
(G) Signs and billboards. In the I-1 Light Industrial District, the use of signs and billboards is the same as that in § 153.056(G) of this chapter for the C-1 Convenience Commercial District.
(Prior Code, § 10-9A-7)
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
(A) General description. The purpose of the I-2 Heavy Industrial District is to provide a location for industries, which may, by their nature, create nuisances. The intent is to preserve this land especially for industry in locations with access to major streets as designated on the thoroughfare plan, as well as locations generally accessible to railroad transportation. Because of the nuisances or other objectionable influences that may be created in this district, it is necessary to provide a buffer or setback strip between this district and other zoning districts, except I-1.
(Prior Code, § 10-9B-1)
(B) Standards. Any use constructed, established, altered or enlarged in the I-2 Heavy Industrial District after the effective date of this chapter shall be so operated as to comply with the following standards. No use already established on the effective date of this chapter shall be so altered or modified as to conflict with, or further conflict with, the applicable standards established hereinafter for the I-2 Heavy Industrial District.
(1) Residential. No building shall be used for residential purposes; except that, a watchman may reside on the premises.
(2) Retail sales or services. No retail sales or services shall be permitted, except as incidental to or accessory to a permitted use.
(3) Manufacture of goods. No manufacture or assembly of goods shall be conducted outside a building unless the nearest point of said activity is more than 200 feet from the boundary of any use district.
(4) Exterior lighting. Exterior lighting fixtures shall be shaded wherever necessary to avoid casting direct light upon property located in any residence district.
(5) Noise; offensive emissions. All manufacturing, fabricating, assembly, disassembly, repairing, storing, cleaning, servicing and testing of goods, wares, and merchandise shall be carried on in such a manner as not to be injurious or offensive by reason of the emission or creation of noise, vibration, smoke, dust or other particulate matter, toxic or noxious matter, odorous, glare or heat, fire or explosive hazards.
(6) Detonation. No activities involving storage, utilization or manufacture of materials or products which decompose by detonation shall be permitted.
(Prior Code, § 10-9B-2)
(C) Uses permitted.
(1) Principal uses. All buildings or uses hereafter established or enlarged shall comply with the following conditions or restrictions:
(a) Automobile wrecking and junkyards; provided, they are enclosed throughout the entire perimeter by a solid fence not less than eight feet in height;
(b) Blacksmiths, tinsmiths and sheet metal shops;
(c) Bottling works;
(d) Bulk fuel sales and storage;
(e) Canning or preserving factories;
(f) Coal storage plants;
(g) Ice cream production and distribution;
(h) Machine shops;
(i) Machinery rental, sales and service;
(j) Manufacturing, fabricating, assembling, repairing, storing and cleaning, servicing or testing, any of the following materials, goods or merchandise;
(k) Apparel;
(l) Beverages (non-alcoholic), processing and bottling;
(m) Building materials specialties;
(n) Clothing;
(o) Compounding and packaging of chemicals;
(p) Cosmetics and toiletries;
(q) Dairy products;
(r) Drugs and pharmaceutical products;
(s) Electrical and acoustic products and components;
(t) Food products (except fish, sauerkraut, vinegar and yeast);
(u) Furniture;
(v) Glass products;
(w) Ice, dry and natural;
(x) Jewelry;
(y) Medical laboratory supplies, equipment and specialties;
(z) Metal products and utensils;
(aa) Musical instruments;
(bb) Optical goods;
(cc) Paper products, including boxes and containers;
(dd) Radio, phonograph recorder and television sets and parts;
(ee) Textiles;
(ff) Toys and children’s vehicles;
(gg) Trailers and carts;
(hh) Wood products, including wooden boxes and containers;
(ii) Meat and vegetable products (processing of), including the slaughter of animals;
(jj) Milk, bottling and distribution;
(kk) Monumental stone cutting;
(ll) Motor freight terminals;
(mm) Pattern shops;
(nn) Printing plants;
(oo) Railroad yards and switching areas, including lodging and sleeping facilities for transient railroad labor;
(pp) Sign painting;
(qq) Soldering and welding shops; and
(rr) Spray painting and mixing.
(2) I-1 District uses. Any use permitted in the I-1 Light Industrial District shall be permitted in this district.
(Prior Code, § 10-9B-3)
(D) Area regulations.
(1) Minimum area. There are no requirements for minimum lot area in the Heavy Industrial District I-2.
(2) Yard requirements. Yard requirements in the I-2 District are the same setbacks as required for the I-1 Light Industrial District.
(3) Coverage. Buildings shall not cover more than 50% of the site on which the use is located.
(Prior Code, § 10-9B-4)
(E) Off-street parking. Off-street parking shall be provided, as required in § 153.080 of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 10-9B-5)
(F) Sewer service. No structure or use in the I-2 District shall be erected, commenced or allowed to continue, which does not have a connection to the public sewerage system unless and until the county’s Public Health Officer certifies that a septic tank or any substitute disposal system can be installed and operated effectively. As a basis for making his or her decision, said Health Officer may require such percolation tests as he or she deems necessary. Such tests shall be made at the expense of the landowner.
(Prior Code, § 10-9B-6)
(G) Signs and billboards. In the I-2 District, the control of signs and billboards is the same as that in § 153.056(G) of this chapter for the C-1 District.
(Prior Code, § 10-9B-7)
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)