For the purpose of this chapter and the promotion of public health, safety and general welfare of the community, the following districts are hereby established for the town:
(A) Residential districts:
(1) A-1, General Agricultural District;
(2) R-1, Single-Family Residential District; and
(3) R-2, General Residential District.
(B) Commercial districts:
(1) C-1, Convenience Commercial District;
(2) C-2, Highway Commercial and Commercial Recreation District; and
(3) C-3, General Commercial District.
(C) Industrial districts:
(1) I-1, Light Industrial District; and
(2) I-2, Heavy Industrial District.
(Prior Code, § 10-3-1) (Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
As districts are designated, they shall be bounded and defined as shown on a map entitled “Zoning Map of the Town of Bernice, County of Delaware, State of Oklahoma”. The Zoning Map, and all of the explanatory material thereon, is hereby made a part of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 10-3-2) (Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
In the event of uncertainty in the exact boundaries of any of the aforesaid districts as shown on the “Zoning Map of the Town of Bernice, County of Delaware, State of Oklahoma”, the Planning Commission, upon written application or upon its own motion, shall recommend the location of such boundaries to the Board of Adjustment, and the Board of Adjustment shall make the final determination.
(Prior Code, § 10-3-3) (Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
(A) General description. The A-1 Agricultural District is established for several purposes:
(1) To provide for the continued use of land for predominantly agricultural purposes;
(2) To preserve undeveloped areas until they can feasibly be developed at urban standards and with adequate public safeguards of health, safety and the like; and
(3) To restrict development in areas subject to severe inundation until such time as it can be shown that these areas are no longer subject to flooding.
(Prior Code, § 10-6-1)
(B) Uses permitted.
(1) Principal uses. No buildings or use shall hereafter be established or enlarged within the A-1 Agricultural District, except a building or use devoted to one of the following purposes:
(a) Agriculture, as defined in this chapter;
(b) Churches and temples;
(c) Elementary schools and high schools;
(d) Golf courses, but not including golf driving ranges, pitch and putt courses, or miniature golf courses;
(e) Municipal or community recreation centers;
(f) Parks and forest preserves, operated not-for-profit;
(g) Police or fire stations;
(h) Public buildings or buildings operated in the public interest by a not-for-profit corporation, including art galleries, post offices, libraries or museums;
(i) Public or not-for-profit auditoriums, stadiums, arenas, armories or sanatoriums;
(j) Public or private hospitals or sanatoriums;
(k) Public or private schools and colleges;
(l) Public utility and service uses, including electric substations, gas regulator stations, electric, gas, telegraph, telephone and water transmission metering and distribution equipment and structures, microwave relay towers, water reservoirs or pumping stations and other similar facilities;
(m) Single-family dwellings (see § 153.054(G) of this chapter for permitted mobile homes); and
(n) Temporary buildings and uses for construction purposes only, and not for dwelling purposes, nor for a period that exceeds the completion of the construction.
(2) Accessory buildings and uses. Accessory buildings or uses incidental to the foregoing principal uses listed in division (B)(1) above.
(Prior Code, § 10-6-2)
(C) Area, setback and height regulations.
Min. Lot Area | Min. Lot Frontage | Max. Percent Coverage | Max. Height | Front Yard Setback | Side Yard Setback | Rear Yard Setback |
5 acres | 150’ including accessory buildings | 30% | 35’ | 50’ | 25’ | 50’ |
(Prior Code, § 10-6-3)
(D) Signs and billboards. The control of signs and billboards in the A-1 General Agriculture District is the same as that in § 153.054(G) of this chapter for the R-1 Single-Family Residential District.
(Prior Code, § 10-6-4)
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)
(A) General description. The R-1 Single-Family Residential District is established as a district in which the use of the land is for single-family dwellings, except as noted. It is the purpose and intent of this district to promote the development of and the continued use of the land for single-family dwellings and to prohibit commercial and industrial uses or any other use which would substantially interfere with the development or continuation of single-family dwellings in this district. The intent is to further discourage any use in this district which would generate traffic or create congestion on neighborhood streets other than the normal traffic which serves the residents in the area. This district further encourages only those uses which, because of character or size, would not create additional requirements and costs for public services which are in excess of such requirements and costs if the district were not developed solely for single-family dwellings.
(Prior Code, § 10-7A-1)
(B) Uses permitted. The following uses are permitted in an R-1 Single-Family Residential District, and are subject to all the general provisions and regulations of this chapter:
(1) Agricultural uses of the garden type that are not intended for commercial purposes;
(2) Elementary schools, public and private, where the curriculum is similar in nature and preparation of coursework to the public schools;
(3) Public parks or playgrounds; and
(4) Single-family detached dwellings which, for purposes of this section, shall not be deemed to include mobile homes (see § 153.077 of this chapter for permitted mobile homes).
(Prior Code, § 10-7A-2)
(C) Uses permitted subject to additional requirements.
(1) Principal uses. The following uses are permitted, provided they meet the requirements noted for each use, in addition to applicable area regulations:
(a) Childcare center or day nursery; provided that, such center or nursery is operated by a licensed provider, that the residence is the primary residence of the operator, that it does not employ non-residents of the single-family dwelling where operations are conducted, and that the operation otherwise meets and complies with all state guidelines for operation of a childcare center or day nursery;
(b) Churches; provided that, a minimum lot size of one acre and major street frontage is provided, as shown on the trafficways plan;
(c) Golf course, private or public, or country club; provided, that the chief activity is for recreational purposes and any commercial activity is accessory or incidental thereto;
(d) Home occupation; provided that, it is in keeping with the meaning of “home occupation”, as defined in § 153.004 of this chapter;
(e) Junior high or senior high schools; provided that, they have major street frontage as shown on the trafficways plan;
(f) Library; provided that, such library has major street frontage as shown on the trafficways plan;
(g) Parking lot required to serve the uses permitted in this district;
(h) Plant nursery; provided that, no building or structure is maintained in connection therewith and no retailing of any material is carried on upon the premises;
(i) Temporary bulletin board or sign not exceeding 12 square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire or sale of a building or premises, which board or sign shall be removed as soon as the premises are leased, hired or sold; and
(j) Temporary structures which are incidental to the construction of the main building and will be removed when the main structure is completed.
(2) Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings which are not a part of a main building may include one private garage.
(Prior Code, § 10-7A-3)
(D) Area, setback and height regulations.
Min. Lot Area | Min. Lot Frontage | Max. Percent Coverage | Max. Height | Front Yard Setback | Side Yard Setback | Rear Yard Setback |
9,000 sq. ft. | 70’ | 30% interior 35% corner | 35’ | 30’ | 5’ interior lots | 20’ |
15’ street side of corner lots |
(1) Side yard.
(a) For buildings of more than one story, the minimum width of the side yard on interior lot lines shall be not less than ten feet.
(b) For a principal building other than a one-family dwelling, the minimum width of a side yard shall be not less than one-half the height of the building, but in no case less than 15 feet.
(2) Rear yard. Unattached buildings of accessory use may be located in the rear yard of a main building; provided, however, that, no accessory building shall be located closer than five feet to the rear lot line.
(3) Lot size requirements. The frontage of any wedge shaped lot which meets the requirements of minimum lot size may be a minimum of 40 feet; however, the front building line on the lot shall be a minimum of 70 linear feet measured at an equal distance parallel to and from the front lot line.
(Prior Code, § 10-7A-4)
(E) Off-street parking. Except as provided for elsewhere in this chapter, all permitted uses in the R-1 Residence District shall comply with the following minimum requirements for off-street parking:
Type Of Use | Parking Space Required |
Schools, elementary schools, junior and senior high schools, including public, private and parochial schools | 1 off-street parking space for each employee, plus 1 for each classroom, plus 1 for each 50 square feet of assembly area with stationary or movable seats |
Single-family dwellings | 1 off-street parking space for each dwelling unit |
Utilities service installations | 1 off-street parking space for each 400 square feet of floor space |
Other uses permitted | 1 off-street parking space for each 5 seats provided for patron use, or 1 space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area used or intended to be used for service to the public, as customers, patrons or clients, whichever requires the greatest number of parking spaces; the open space required by front yard requirements shall not be used for parking |
(Prior Code, § 10-7A-5)
(F) Sewer service. No dwelling unit in an R-1 Single-Family District shall be constructed which is not provided with an effective connection to a public sewer system unless or until the county’s Public Health Officer certifies that a septic tank or any substitute disposal system can be satisfactorily installed on the lot. As a basis for making his or her decision, the county’s Public Health Officer may require such percolation tests as he or she deems to be necessary. Such tests shall be made at the expense of the homeowner.
(Prior Code, § 10-7A-6)
(G) Signs and billboards. No signs, billboards, posters, bulletin boards or other similar matter shall be permitted in the R-1 Single-Family Residential District, except as follows:
(1) Temporary signs. Temporary signs not to exceed the duration of six months to advertise the premises for sale, rent or lease, except original sale;
(2) Church bulletin board. One bulletin board not exceeding 50 square feet may be erected by each church;
(3) Public notices. Official public notices may be erected on affected property; and
(4) Nameplate. One unilluminated nameplate not exceeding two square feet in area, and not containing lettering other than the name of the owner or occupants or name or address of the premises.
(Prior Code, § 10-7A-7)
(Ord. 2009-3, passed 5-15-2009)