   (a)   The Division of Permits may revoke any permit granted pursuant to this chapter if it is determined that:
      (1)   A false statement of a material matter was made in the application for the permit;
      (2)   The permit holder has violated any provision of this chapter;
      (3)   The permit holder has failed to make timely payment of any fee assessment under Section 1327.08; or
      (4)   An alarm system has produced five or more, false alarms in any period of twelve consecutive months.
   (b)   No person shall operate an alarm system during the period in which the permit for such alarm system has been revoked.
   (c)   In the event that the Division of Permits should refuse to issue a permit, or renew a permit, or revoke a permit authorized by this chapter, the applicant shall be sent notice of such action by U.S. Certified Mail. Whereupon the applicant or permit holder may appeal such decision to the Mayor by filing a written request for a hearing, setting forth the reasons for the appeal within ten days following receipt of the original notice. The filing of the appeal authorized herein shall automatically stay all other proceedings concerning the subject permit.
   (d)   Not later than ten days following the notice of appeal received by the City, the Mayor shall hear and consider all evidence of any and all interested party or parties concerning the subject matter of such appeal. Not later than ten days following such hearing, the Mayor shall confirm, reverse or modify any and all actions heard on appeal and the decision of the Mayor shall be the final administrative remedy at law.
(Ord. 87-77. Passed 4-6-87.)
1327.08 FEES.
   (a)   Upon the granting of the initial permit, or any renewal thereof, as set forth in Section 1327.02 above, the applicant shall pay a permit fee of:
      (1)   One hundred dollars ($100.00), if the alarm system is installed in a financial institution required at law to have such alarm system, and the alarm is reportable directly to the City as in Section 1327.04 above; and
      (2)   Twenty-five dollars ($25.00), if the alarm system is installed anywhere else in the City.
   The fees established by this section shall be payable prior to the issuance of any permit, or any reissuance of a permit upon the expiration of an earlier permit.
   (b)   For all alarm notifications to the City in a number five or greater within any twelve consecutive month period, the permit holder of such alarm system shall be charged a service fee in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) per alarm notification.
   (c)   No service fee, as in (b) above, shall be assessed against a permit holder for any alarm system notification that is occasioned by a criminal offense or emergency condition.
(Ord. 88-44. Passed 3-21-88.)
   (a)   Any financial institution required to have an alarm system pursuant to federal or state law, rule or regulation, may install any such specialized equipment thus mandated, and such costs of installation, maintenance, repair and operation shall be borne solely by the institution installing the same.
   (b)   In the event that the specialized equipment permitted in (a) above, is installed upon City property, the officer of the City having jurisdiction over such City property shall have full, complete and final authority to mandate the placement of such specialized equipment, the continuous inspection of the same as may be necessary and the repair or replacement of inoperative or damaged equipment, the same being at the sole expense of the financial institution placing such specialized equipment.
   (c)   A financial institution which places specialized alarm equipment upon property of the City may, at any reasonable time, remove such specialized equipment from City property, but no fee previously charged for such installation or permit, or portion of such fee, shall be refundable to such financial institution.
   (d)   All financial institutions coming within the purview of this section shall remain amenable to all other provisions of this chapter and shall make whatever application, receive whatever permits, and pay whatever fees which may be applicable to the ownership and operation of any other alarm system within the City by any other person.
(Ord. 87-77. Passed 4-6-87.)