Following are the general requirements for preliminary and final site plan review and approval by the Village of Bellville Planning Commission. The village may add any additional requirements as deemed necessary to ensure the ability to perform adequate review. This review applies to all development except one-family detached and two-family dwellings including residential subdivisions that are required to meet the requirements of Chapter 154.
(A) Preliminary development plan requirements.
(1) Plan review application form. This application form shall contain general information about the name and location of the proposed development as well as the principals involved. The application and filing fees are due at the time of submittal. Filing Fees for Preliminary Development Plan review are $50.00.
(2) Content. Every preliminary site plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional engineer and shall contain the following information:
(a) Title sheet and general notes.
(b) Existing conditions plan:
1. Location map, scale and north arrow.
2. Property layout (survey markers).
3. Existing conditions: land use, buildings, zoning, contours and/or spot elevations, watercourses, wooded areas, wetlands.
4. Total site area.
(c) Preliminary site plan:
1. Layout and dimensions of all streets, sidewalks, buildings, parking areas and activity areas including existing driveways and cross streets located adjacent to the site.
2. Dimensions of all setbacks and easement areas.
3. Location and description of all greenbelts, landscaping, exterior lighting and signage.
4. Phasing schedule.
5. Location of all utility lines, manholes and fire hydrants.
6. Location of paved areas.
7. Location of proposed traffic signals.
8. Location of garbage receptacles/dumpster enclosures.
9. Stormwater management plan intensions.
(d) Architectural plan: Exterior building elevations and floor plans. If exterior elevations are not available, reasonable graphic representations may be submitted.
(B) Final development plan review requirements. After the preliminary development plan has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission, the applicant may proceed with the submission of a final development plan in accordance with any provided recommendations and the following requirements:
(1) Plan review application form. This application form shall contain general information about the name and location of the proposed development as well as the principals involved. The application and filing fees are due at the time of submittal. Filing Fees for Final Development Plan Review are $50.00.
(2) Content. Every final site plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional engineer and shall contain the following information:
(a) Title sheet and general notes:
1. Name, address and telephone number of applicant/owner/developer.
2. Project title.
3. Signature blocks: Required for storm system maintenance/sanitary connection(s)/ water system connection(s).
(b) Existing conditions plan.
(c) Site plan:
1. Layout and dimensions of all streets, sidewalks, buildings, parking areas and activity areas including existing driveways and cross streets located within 500 feet of the site.
2. Dimensions of all setbacks and easement areas.
3. Parking space dimensions.
4. Location and dimensions of all greenbelts, landscaping, exterior lighting and signage.
5. Phasing schedule.
6. Location of all utility lines, manholes and fire hydrants.
7. Location and dimensions of all greenbelts, landscaping, exterior lighting and signage.
8. Location of paved areas.
9. Pavement details.
10. Location of proposed traffic signals.
11. Location of garbage receptacles/dumpster enclosure.
12. Proposed grading (contours and/or spot elevations).
13. Covenants, easements or other restrictions to be imposed on the site.
(d) Utility plan:
1. Location and dimensions of all utility lines, manholes and hydrants.
2. Ohio EPA documentation.
3. Plan and profile sheets.
4. Testing requirements and specifications.
5. Easement areas.
(e) Storm water management plan:
1. Stormwater application and fee.
2. Stormwater management plan in accordance with Chapter 153 of Bellville's Code of Ordinances.
3. Checklist for engineering details (§ 153.044).
4. Checklist for stormwater control plans (§ 153.072).
5. Storm water pollution prevention plan in accordance with the current Ohio EPA Construction General Permit.
6. Storm water management construction cost estimate.
7. Post Construction O&M Agreement & Manual (see Village Engineer for acceptable form).
(f) Landscape plan.
(g) Lighting plan:
1. Photometric plan.
2. Lighting details and specifications i.e. shielding, timers, etc.
(h) Architectural plan: Exterior building elevations and floor plans.
(i) Impact fee calculation.
(j) Traffic impact study if required by village during preliminary plan review pursuant to § 155.228.
(k) Site construction cost estimate.
(C) Plan review and inspection fees.
(1) Plans, quantities, and an itemized cost estimate prepared by a professional engineer shall be submitted to the Village Engineer for review and approval for all civil site related improvements, including water, sewer, parking, stormwater management, etc. (see example attached hereto as Exhibit A to Ord. 18-2017). A certified check in the amount of three percent (3%) of the approved construction cost estimates or $1,000.00, whichever is larger, shall be deposited with the village to pay the costs associated with project coordination including plan review and field inspection of said construction to assure its conformance with the approved plans. The check shall be made out to the Village of Bellville, Ohio.
(2) An additional stormwater management plan review and inspection fee shall be provided in accordance with § 153.010 (see example attached hereto as Exhibit B to Ord. 18-2017).
(Ord. 18-2017, passed 2-21-2017)