(A)   Traffic impact study, when required. For those proposed uses for which it is reasonably expected will generate 100 trip ends per peak hour or more, or where otherwise required under this zoning ordinance, a traffic impact study as described herein must be created at the expense of the party seeking a use permit (the “permit seeker”) to determine what improvements, if any, shall be required prior to occupation of the premises. Alternately, for developments generating less than 100 trip ends per peak hour, an auxiliary lane analysis may be required to determine if separate turn lanes are needed to facilitate development traffic at an unsignalized access point. The expense of the auxiliary turn lane analysis shall be borne by the permit seeker.
   (B)   Procedure for traffic impact studies.
      (1)   The traffic impact study shall be created in conformity with the then-current State Highway Access Management Manual published by the Ohio Department of Transportation (the ODOT Manual).
      (2)   Upon presentment of a complete traffic impact study or auxiliary turn lane analysis, the Planning Commission shall have 60 days to accept the traffic impact study or to notify the permit seeker that the traffic impact study does not conform to the ODOT Manual, or requires revision based upon review by the village, which notice shall refer to specific shortcomings.
      (3)   Upon acceptance of a traffic impact study or auxiliary turn lane analysis, the Planning Commission shall set upon the agenda for a meeting no less than 15 days from acceptance of the traffic impact study to no more than 60 days from acceptance of the traffic impact study the question of what improvements, if any, the permit requester shall be required to make to address any degradation of service anticipated by the traffic impact study. The permit seeker shall be invited to attend and participate in these discussions. However, the final decision on the required improvements shall be made by the Planning Commission.
      (4)   Any improvements required under this section must be completed prior to occupancy of the structure, and it is requested that other government regulatory bodies withhold any occupancy permits or certificates until such agreed-upon improvements are made.
(Ord. 6-2014, passed 2-4-2014)