8-16 State building code adopted
8-17 Building codes adopted
8-18 Amendments and changes to codes adopted in § 8-17
8-18.5 Amendments and changes to the Uniform Administrative Code, 1997 Edition
8-18.6 Amendments and changes to the International Residential Code, 2021 Edition
8-19 Building permits—Application; records
8-20 Same—Expiration
8-21 Identification sign
8-22 Fire limits
8-23 Permanent sidewalks
8-24 Driveways for residences
8-25 Required living area—Dwellings in city without basements
8-26 Same—Dwellings outside city without basements and connected to city utilities
8-27 Same—Conformance prerequisite to building permit or connection to utilities
8-28 Handrail specifications
8-29 Barbed wire and electric fences
8-30—8-40 Reserved
Statutory reference:
Building Construction Act, see Neb. RS 1943, §§ 71-6401 et seq.