Building Code
150.01 Adoption of Building Code
150.02 Definitions in Building Code
150.03 Amendments to Building Code
Building Official and Other Officials
150.15 Establishment of Office of Building Official
150.16 Qualifications of Building Official
150.17 Duties of Building Official
150.18 Bond of the Building Official
150.19 Cooperation of other officials
Conditions, Permits and Fees
150.30 Right of entry
150.31 Fire limits
150.32 Building permit fees
150.33 Building permits and subdivisions
150.34 Demolition of buildings
150.35 Definition; building contractor
150.36 Registration
150.37 Dumpster permit
150.38 Permit tables
150.99 Penalty
Property Maintenance Code, see Ch. 154
Streets and Sidewalks, see Ch. 158