Display Signs and Outdoor Advertising
1185.01   Definitions.
1185.02   Applicability of chapter.
1185.03   Permit required; application; fee.
1185.04   Appeal of decision of Zoning Inspector.
1185.05   Removal of signs having no permit.
1185.06   Biennial inspection.
1185.07   Removal of unsafe or noncomplying signs.
1185.08   Number, date and voltage to be on signs.
1185.09   Painting required.
1185.10   Wind pressure and dead load requirements.
1185.11   Removal of certain signs.
1185.12   Exemptions.
1185.13   Alterations.
1185.14   Existing signs; continuance.
1185.15   General requirements.
1185.16   Roof signs.
1185.17   Industrial signs.
1185.18   Tourist signs.
1185.19   R-District; signs prohibited.
1185.20   Church, institutional, fraternal, and veterans signs.
1185.21   Temporary signs.
1185.22   Real estate signs.
1185.23   Attachment of signs to other structures.
1185.24   Nonconforming signs; ownership change.
1185.25   Auctioneer signs.
1185.26   Political signs. (Repealed)
1185.27   Penalty.
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)    "Wind load" means the applied force in pounds per square foot over the display area of the sign which is exposed to the action of the wind.
   (b)    "Free-standing sign" means a sign supported by or suspended from a post or posts, column or other structure, in or upon the ground, except a sign that is attached to a building or a roof sign.
   (c)    "Roof sign" means a sign erected above the roof line of a building that is wholly supported by the building.
   (d)    "Industrial sign" means a free-standing sign that may display the name, address and products produced at an industrial establishment or guide the traveling public to the location of such industry.
   (e)    "Tourist sign" means a sign that assists the traveling public in locating historic, scenic and other places of interest.
   (f)    "Temporary sign" means a sign that conveys a message, either by word or picture or both, that is movable or portable, and is not, therefore, permanently or securely fastened or attached to a building, the ground or a structure.
   (g)    "Political signs" means a sign that by word, design, picture or symbol advertises any candidate or political party, issue, levy, referendum or other matter to be voted upon in any general, primary or special election, or a sign that advocates by word, picture, design or symbol any type of political action to be taken or already taken by the electorate or its representatives at any level of government.
   (h)    "Minimum height" means the vertical distance measured from the nearest finished grade to the lower part of the display surface.
   (i)    "Structure" means a device that supports or is capable of supporting a sign. A sign structure may be a single pole and may or may not be an integral part of the building.
   (j)    "Building or lot frontage" means that side of a building or lot which faces a public dedicated street, alley or public parking area. If a building or lot faces a street or alley and a parking area, that side facing the street or alley shall be the building or lot frontage. When a business establishment faces more than one street, highway or alley, the primary building or lot frontage shall refer to that side of the building or lot of such business establishment which faces the highway, street or alley that is considered by the City or State traffic authorities to be the most primary route.
   (k)    "Primary street" means that street considered by the City or State traffic authorities to be a primary route.
   (l)    "Real estate sign" means a sign offering real estate for sale or for rent or indicating that real estate has been sold.
   (m)    “Auctioneer sign" means a sign advertising for sale, by a licensed auctioneer, at a specific date, place and time, any one or all of the following: real estate, business merchandise, household goods or other chattels.
   The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all outdoor advertising or display signs of every nature, except as otherwise provided herein, either specifically or by necessary implication.