   In accordance with Ohio R.C. 731.231, a complete copy of the National Electrical Code, as adopted herein, is on file with the Clerk for public inspection and also on file in the Cuyahoga County Law Library, Cuyahoga County Court House, Ohio. The Clerk has copies of the National Electrical Code and this section available to the public at cost.
(Ord. 87-6. Passed 1-6-87.)
   1305.03 AMENDMENTS.
   The National Electrical Code adopted by Section 1305.01 is hereby amended as follows:
   (a)   Paragraph (a) of Section 210-70 of Article 210 entitled “Dwelling Unit(s)” shall be amended, and as amended, shall read:
   (a)   Dwelling Unit(s). At least one wall switch controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in every habitable room; bathroom, toilet room, in hallways, stairways, attached garages, and detached garages with electric power; and at outdoor entrances or exits.
At least one lighting outlet shall be installed in an attic, under floor space, utility room and basement only where used for storage containing equipment requiring service, at laundry trays, boilers, furnaces and other central heating or cooling devices. Three-way switches shall be provided for all stairways to control lighting outlets illuminating such stairways.
Exception No. 1: In habitable rooms, other than kitchens and bathrooms, one or more receptacles controlled by a wall switch shall be permitted in lieu of lighting outlets.
Exception No. 2: In hallways, stairways, and at outdoor entrances remote, central, or automatic control of lighting shall be permitted.
   (b)   Add new Section 210-71 entitled, “Number of Outlets Required on General Lighting and Small Appliance Branch Circuits of Dwelling Occupancies” to Article 210, and as added, shall read:
210-71--Number of Outlets Required on General Lighting and Small Appliance Branch Circuits of Dwelling Occupancies. No more than four duplex receptacle outlets per circuit shall be installed on the required appliance branch circuit and no more than ten duplex receptacle outlets per circuit shall be installed on the required general lighting branch circuits.
   (c)   Table 220-3(b) of Section 220-3 of Article 220 entitled, “General Lighting Loads by Occupancies” shall be amended to upgrade the watts per square foot for dwelling units from 3 watts to 4 watts, and as amended, shall read:
         Dwelling units      4 watts.
   (d)   Paragraph (b) of Section 230-42 of Article 230 entitled, “Underground Conductors” shall be amended, and as amended, shall read:
      (b)   Underground Conductors. Ungrounded conductors shall not be smaller than:
         (1)   100-ampere, 3-wire for every 1, 2 and 3 family dwelling unit.
         (2)   60 amperes for other loads.
Exception No. 1: For loads consisting of not more than two 2-wire branch circuits, No. 8 cooper or No. 6 aluminum or copper-clad aluminum.
Exception No. 2: By special permission, for loads limited by demand or by the source of supply, No. 8 copper or No. 6 aluminum or copper-clad aluminum.
Exception No. 3: For limited loads of a single branch circuit, No. 12 copper or No. 10 aluminum or copper-clad aluminum, but in no case smaller than the branch-circuit conductors.
   (e)   Section 230-80 of Article 230 entitled, “Combined Rating of Disconnects” shall be amended, and as amended, shall read:
For all new 1, 2 and 3 family dwelling units, the service equipment shall have a rating of not less than 100 amperes. Where the service disconnecting means consist of more than one switch or circuit breaker, as permitted by Section 230-71, the combined ratings of all the switches or circuit breakers used shall provide a minimum of 100 amperes of connected overcurrent protection consisting of not less than two (2) 50 ampere, 240 volt, two-pole overcurrent devices.
         (Ord. 87-6. Passed 1-6-87.)
   (f)   Section 110-5 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Conductors normally used to carry current shall be of copper and shall not be smaller than #12AWG.
      (Ord. 99-030. Passed 2-2-99.)
   (g)   Section 210-8(a) is hereby supplemented by adding additional language to 210- 8(a)(1)-(8) to include:
All 125-volt, single phase, 15 and 20 ampere receptacles installed in locations specified in 1 through 8 shall have ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) protection for personnel.
Furthermore, at least one re-settable GFCI shall be installed within the area or room that is being protected.
      (Ord. 2002-016. Passed 1-15-02.)
   (h)   Section 210-70(a) is hereby supplemented by adding additional language to Section 210-70(a)(1) and (2) to read as follows:
210-70(a)(1) Habitable Rooms: Every room, space, or hallway with more than one entrance or exit shall have the required lighting outlet(s) controlled by 3-way or combination 3-way/4-way switching device at each entrance or exit.
210-70(a)(2) Additional Locations: Where lighting outlets are installed in interior stairways, there shall be a 3-way wall switch at each floor level to control the lighting outlet. 3-way controlled lighting switches shall be installed at both ends of a hallway. (Ord. 99-030. Passed 2-2-99.)
   1305.04 CONFLICTS.
   In the event of conflicting provisions between the National Electrical Code and the Ohio Administrative Code, as adopted herein, the provisions of the Ohio Administrative Code shall apply. (Ord. 87-6. Passed 1-6-87.)
   1305.99 PENALTY.
   (a)   Whoever violates or fails to conform to any of the provisions and requirements of the National Electrical Code adopted in Section 1305.01, or fails to comply with any order made thereunder, or violates any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, shall, severally for each and every such violation and noncompliance respectively, be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.
   (b)   The application of the penalty provided in subsection (a) hereof shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions.
(Ord. 89-25. Passed 2-21-89.)