   A copy of the application and permit shall be delivered to the Chief of Police so that traffic may be supervised, if necessary, and so that he or she may assign a police officer to verify that the sale is being held in accordance with this chapter.
(Ord. 1983-128. Passed 11-21-83.)
   (a)   A resident of the City shall pay a permit fee of five dollars ($5.00) for the duration of each sale.
   (b)   A permit for each sale shall be valid for three consecutive days. Not more than one permit shall be issued in any twelve-month period, per residence, unless there has been a bona fide sale of the residence. (Ord. 1983-128. Passed 11-21-83.)
   Every applicant who is issued a permit under this chapter shall have the issued permit in his possession at all times when conducting a sale within a residential district of the City and shall display the same upon demand of any police officer of the City and upon demand of any person who attends such sale. (Ord. 1976-105. Passed 11-15-76.)
   No permittee under this chapter shall conduct a sale before 10:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. of any day. No such permittee shall sell any household furniture, furnishings, equipment or goods which were brought into the residence or onto the property for the purpose of selling the same at such sale. All items for sale must be the personal property of one or more persons residing at the sale location and shall be displayed in the house and/or the garage only. No household furniture, furnishings, equipment or other goods shall be sold at such sale which were not included in the description of the property contained in the application as required by Section 713.02.
(Ord. 1983-128. Passed 11-21-83.)
   A permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be revoked by the Mayor, after notice and hearing, for any of the following causes. The Mayor may temporarily suspend a permit upon evidence of the following for a period not to exceed one week; pending a hearing.
   (a)    Fraud, misrepresentation or any false statement contained in the application for a permit or information given to the Police Department;
   (b)    Failure to comply with the provisions of the permit or violating any law of the City or State while conducting the sale;
   (c)    A conviction of the permittee for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter;
   (d)    A conviction of the permittee for any felony or crime involving moral turpitude; or
   (e)    Conducting a public sale in any unlawful manner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of the peace.
      (Ord. 1976-105. Passed 11-15-76.)
   713.08  EXCEPTIONS.
   This chapter does not require fees to be paid for any sale ordered by a court of law.
(Ord. 1983-128. Passed 11-21-83.)
   713.09  SIGNS.
   A sign, not to exceed four square feet, may only be placed in the front yard of a residence where a permitted sale is being held. No sign shall be placed on any part of a City street right of way, including the tree lawn, or on any tree or utility pole thereon.
(Ord. 1983-128. Passed 11-21-83.)