Licensing in General; Fees, Bonds and Insurance
802.01   License required.
802.02   Multiple businesses.
802.03   State licensed businesses.
802.04   Application procedure.
802.05   License year.
802.06   Conditions of issuance.
802.07   Granting of license where certification required.
802.08   Certification of Fire Chief.
802.09   Certification of Police Chief.
802.10   Certification of Superintendent of Building Inspection.
802.11   Bonds.
802.12   Late renewals.
802.13   License issuance; receipt for payment of fee.
802.14   Payment of fees.
802.15   Exemptions.
802.16   Suspension or revocation.
802.17   "Cause" defined.
802.18   License renewals.
802.19   Display of licenses.
802.20   Display on vehicles and machines.
802.21   Display of invalid licenses.
802.22   Transferability; misuse.
802.23   Fees, bonds and insurance required.
802.24   Fee, bond and insurance schedule.
802.99   Penalty.
   Control of outdoor advertising by home rule municipalities - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 117.4i
   Coordinated collection of State license fees - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 205.1
   Liability insurance for municipalities - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 691.1409
   No person shall engage, or be engaged in, the operation, conduct or carrying on of any trade, profession, business or privilege for which any license is required by any provision of these Codified Ordinances without first obtaining a license from the City in the manner provided for in this chapter. Any person duly licensed on the effective date of this chapter shall be deemed licensed hereunder for the balance of the current license year.
(1975 Code Sec. 7.l)
   The granting of a license or permit to any person operating, conducting or carrying on any trade, profession, business or privilege, which contains within itself, or is composed of, trades, professions, businesses or privileges which are required by these Codified Ordinances to be licensed, shall not relieve the person to whom such license or permit is granted from the necessity of securing individual licenses or permits for each such trade, profession, business or privilege.
(1975 Code Sec. 7.2)