General Provisions
50.01 Extensions and connections outside the village
50.02 Connection charges
50.03 Payment prior to permit issuance
50.04 Tap-in fees to run with the land; no refunds
50.05 Delinquent payment; penalty and collection with other taxes
50.06 Disconnection for late payment
50.07 Application of partial utility bill payments; procedures for addressing customer bankruptcy petitions
50.08 Water management and sediment control regulations
Village Policies
50.20 Adoption of rules and regulations of the county sewer district
50.21 Agreement for the operation and maintenance of the water, sewer and trash billing services, wastewater treatment facilities and water distribution and sewer collection systems
Statutory reference:
Management and control of water, see R.C. § 735.29
Management of sewerage system, see R.C. § 729.51