General Provisions
   152.001   Definitions and interpretation
   152.002   Health Officer to inspect
Basic Equipment and Facilities
   152.015   Dwelling unit requirements
Light, Ventilation and Heating
   152.030   Occupancy standards
   152.031   Window or ventilation devices
   152.032   Heating facilities
   152.033   Electric service
   152.034   Lighting
   152.035   Screens
   152.036   Basement windows
Safe and Sanitary Maintenance of Dwellings and Parts of Dwellings
   152.050   Specific requirements
Rooming Houses
   152.065   Rooming house requirements
   152.066   Inspections
   152.067   Restroom facilities
   152.068   Sanitary maintenance
   152.069   Hotels
Premises Maintenance and Sanitary Condition
   152.080   Health and safety hazards prohibited
Owner and Occupant Responsibilities
   152.095   Clean, sanitary conditions
   152.096   Occupant responsibilities
   152.097   Rubbish removal
   152.098   Organic waste removal
   152.099   Hanging of screens
   152.100   Extermination of insects
Unfit Dwelling Designation; Legal Procedure of Condemnation
   152.115   Unfit for human habitation
   152.116   Condemnation
   152.117   Placarded dwelling
   152.118   Written approval to remove placard
   152.119   Unlawful to deface or remove placard
   152.120   Compliance required
   152.121   Securing building; recovery of costs
   152.122   Hearing on condemnation
Enforcement; Service of Notices and Orders; Hearings
   152.135   Nature of violations
   152.136   Request for hearing
   152.137   Action by Health Officer following hearing
   152.138   Decisions a matter of public record; approval
   152.139   Public health emergencies
   152.999   Penalty
Statutory reference:
   Establishment of minimum housing standards, see I.C. 36-7-8-4