Police Department
   36.01   Police Department established
Fire Department
   36.10   Reaffirmation of existence; purpose; policies and procedures
   36.11   Equipment; members
   36.12   Relationship to Bardstown/Nelson County Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.
   36.13   Chain of command
   36.14   Duties of the chief
   36.15   Paid full and part-time firefighters
   36.16   Volunteer firefighters
   36.17   Compensation
   36.18   Fire alarms
   36.19   Chief and Deputy Chief to report their absence
   36.20   Chief to have power and privilege of policeman
   36.21   Duty of police to assist at fires
   36.22   Right-of-way of Fire Department; vehicles following fire apparatus too closely
   36.23   Parking or blocking any fire station, parking lot, access to fire grounds, fire lanes, fire hydrants, sprinkler system hook-ups
   36.24   False alarms
   36.25   Open burnings
   36.26   User fees for the deployment of public safety services
   36.99   Penalty
Department of Recreation
   36.35   Establishment