Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of general law with respect to general elections, so far as applicable, shall govern the method of nominating and electing the Mayor, the Village Recorder, and members of Council whose terms of office shall be concurrent and run for a period of four years. (Amended 6-5-07; 6-7-11)
Each Municipal Executive Committee shall be composed of one committeeman and one committeewoman, each of whom shall be a resident and qualified elector of the Village, and who, when elected as herein set out, shall have the same powers, duties and authority with respect to Municipal elections as do members of the County Executive Committees of Cabell County with respect to county elections. Municipal Executive Committee members shall be elected at large by the registered voters of their respective parties for terms of four years, and shall be registered voters in the party from which they seek election. Except as otherwise provided herein, the provisions of general law governing the method of electing members of county executive committee members shall govern the election of members of the Municipal Executive Committees of the political parties recognized under general law.
Municipal Executive Committees shall be governed by Chapter 8, Article 5, Section 14, of the Official Code of West Virginia and shall have all powers and duties prescribed by said law, this Charter and ordinances in conformity therewith.
Elections shall be held at the voting places prescribed by ordinance adopted by the Village Council for each of the election districts of the Village for the purpose of electing candidates for the offices of Mayor, Village Recorder and all Council members for the next general election on the first Tuesday in June in the year 2009 and on such day in each second year thereafter. Any eligible person desiring nomination for any Municipal elective office to be filled at such election shall file with the Village Recorder a certificate declaring himself or herself to be a candidate for nomination for the office desired, as well as a nominating petition signed by not less than fifty (50) registered voters of the party of which the person desiring nomination is a member, together with payment of the filing fee as hereinafter prescribed, which certificate and filing fee must be received by the Village Recorder after midnight on the first day of March next preceding the election day or if mailed, shall be postmarked after that hour and before midnight on the thirty-first day of March next preceding the election day or if mailed, shall be postmarked before that hour and which certificate shall be in form or effect as follows:
I, , hereby certify that I am a candidate for nomination for and election to the office of to represent the Village-at-large and the political party. I desire my name printed on the official ballot to be voted at the election to be held on the day of June, 20 . I hereby certify that I am a legally qualified elector of The Village of Barboursville, Cabell County, West Virginia; that my residence is located at in said Village; that I am eligible to hold the said office; and that I am a candidate for said office in good faith. | |
Signed and acknowledged before me this day of ______________, 20 . My commission expires . | |
Notary Public in and for Cabell County West Virginia (or some other officer qualified to administer oaths)" |
Every person who becomes a candidate in any such election shall, at the time of filing such certificate of candidacy, pay a filing fee as follows: A candidate for Mayor shall pay a fee of two hundred fifty dollars; a candidate for Village Recorder shall pay a fee of one hundred fifty dollars; a candidate for Council member shall pay a fee of twenty-five dollars; and a candidate for a Municipal Executive Committee shall pay a fee of one dollar. Council may, by ordinance, change the filing fees specified herein, but no such ordinance shall become effective until one year from the date of its final enactment by the Council, and the modified filing fees so enacted shall not be more than one per centum of the annual compensation then provided for the particular office. No person shall file a certificate of candidacy for more than one office in any election.
(Amended 4-2-91; 3-11-93; 6-5-07)
General elections for the offices of Mayor, Village Recorder and all Council members shall be held on the first Tuesday in June in the year 2009 and on such day in each second year thereafter. The officers elected at such election shall assume office on the first day of July of the year in which such general election is held with their terms to expire as soon as their successors have been duly elected and qualified. (Amended 6-5-07)