1062.01   Definitions.
1062.02   False alarms.
1062.03   Fees.
   Division of Police, see ADM. Ch. 238
   Division of Fire, see ADM. Ch. 240
   Theft alarms, see TRAF. 337.19
   False alarms, see GEN. OFF. 648.08, 648.09
§ 1062.01 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALARM SYSTEM. Any assembly of equipment, mechanical or electrical, arranged to signal audibly, visibly or electronically, to a location outside the structures protected by the system, or to a monitoring station which in turn notifies the appropriate agency, the occurrence of an illegal entry or other activity requiring urgent attention to which the Division of Police or the Division of Fire is expected to respond. However, ALARM SYSTEM shall not include alarms installed in motor vehicles.
   ALARM USER. Any owner of an alarm system installed in any business, residential or industrial property within the confines of the city.
   AUTOMATIC DIALER. Any alarm system which is designed to emit its signal directly to the Division of Fire or the Division of Police by means of dialing a telephone number either to the Division of Fire or the Division of Police, or both, and giving a tape recorded message or synthesized voice message intended to elicit a response.
   FALSE ALARM. An alarm system signal or message eliciting an urgent response by the Division of Fire or the Division of Police when a situation requiring such response by the Police or Fire Division does not in fact exist. However, FALSE ALARM does not include an alarm signal caused by unusually violent conditions of nature, nor does it include other extraordinary circumstances not reasonably subject to control by the alarm user.
(Prior Code, § 1062.01) (Ord. 138-1988, passed 9-26-1988)
§ 1062.02 FALSE ALARMS.
   (A)   An alarm which has been activated as a result of testing or repair shall not be considered as a false alarm if prior notification has been given the day of such repairs or test to the agency which the alarm would signal.
   (B)   An alarm which has been activated shall not be considered as a false alarm if the responding Public Safety Division receives a request to cancel. Such request must be made to the same location as the request for service and must be received prior to the arrival of the first responding unit.
(Prior Code, § 1062.02) (Ord. 138-1988, passed 9-26-1988)