General Provisions
   50.01   Water system rules, requirements and regulations
   50.02   Definitions
   50.03   Service area
   50.04   Description of service
   50.05   Application and administration of water service; billing
   50.06   Main extension
   50.07   Services
   50.08   Meters
   50.09   Notices
   50.10   Billing, payment and the city’s remedies for past-due bills: service termination and right to lien
   50.11   Meter error
   50.12   Discontinuance of service
   50.13   Restoration of service
   50.14   Unusual demands
   50.15   Access to property
   50.16   Responsibility for equipment
   50.17   Fire hydrants
   50.18   Underground utilities
   50.19   Tampering with water system
   50.20   Amendments
   50.21   Prohibiting any free service
   50.22   Emergency
   50.23   Water Curtailment Plan
Water Conservation
   50.30   Water conservation
   50.31   Water-efficient landscaping
   50.32   Landscape design plan
   50.33   Water-efficient landscape worksheet
   50.34   Irrigation design plan
   50.35   Irrigation scheduling
   50.36   Landscape and irrigation maintenance schedule
   50.99   Penalty
   This chapter provides basic requirements and prohibitions for connection to and use of water resources in the City of Banks and regulates the operations of the Banks Water Department. The following shall govern the basic operation of the city’s water utility and the provision of water service:
   (A)   The Water Department and all customers receiving service from the Water Department, whether inside or outside the city limits, are bound by these rules and regulations for the operation of the Water Department of the city.
   (B)   The City of Banks will not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin requesting water service from the City of Banks.
   (C)   Any time a new or replacement structure or an expansion of an existing structure on property within the City requires a new or expanded water source, the property owner shall connect the structure to the public water system at the owner’s expense.
   (D)   No new water system connection is allowed unless the customer first demonstrates that the city’s water system has sufficient capacity to supply a sufficient quantity of water to serve the new use or structure, and the city consents in writing to the connection.
   (E)   It is unlawful for any person, corporate entity or property owner to drill, construct or install a new ground water well within the city’s corporate boundaries or within the city’s urban growth area.
   (F)   It is unlawful for any person, corporate entity or property owner to take water from the public water system of the city without prior authorization or without obtaining the proper permits and payment of appropriate fees and charges.
   (G)   It is unlawful for any person, corporate entity or property owner to waste or allow the waste of city water by knowingly or negligently causing, authorizing or permitting water in excess of the reasonable volume necessary for a beneficial use to escape from its intended beneficial use. For the purpose of this section: “beneficial use” means the lawful, reasonable and efficient use of water.
   (H)   The City of Banks hereby adopts a policy favoring the use of xeric low water demand landscaping, plants and plantings in all private and public development projects and whenever a homeowner installs or changes a lawn or landscaping.
(Ord. 2018-10-01, passed 12-11-2018) Penalty, see § 50.99
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   APPLICANT. The person or persons, firm, or corporation making application for water service from the Water Department under the terms of these rules and regulations.
   BULK WATER. Water intended for potable uses which is transported by tank trucks.
   CITY. The legally constituted municipal government of the City of Banks.
   COLIFORM. A bacteriological organism whose count is used to determine the presence of pollution in water.
   COUNCIL. The governing body of the city.
   CUSTOMER. An applicant who has been accepted under the terms of these rules and regulations and who receives water service from the Water Department.
   CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE. The part of the piping on the customer’s property that connects the service connection to the customer’s distribution system.
   RULES AND REGULATIONS. The result and regulations for the operation of the Water Department.
   SERVICE CONNECTION. The part of the water distribution system that connects the meter to the main and normally consists of corporation stop, service, pipe, curb stop and box, meter, meter yoke, and meter box.
   SUPERINTENDENT. The person appointed by the City Administrator to manage the affairs of the Water Department.
   WATER. Potable drinking water.
   WATER DEPARTMENT. The Water Department of the city.
(Ord. 90.01, passed 1-8-1991; Am. Ord. 2011-11-01, passed 11-8-2011)