Sec. 22-4. Scope.
   This chapter shall apply to the following entities within the jurisdiction of the village:
   (1)   All property owners, regardless of their previous practices and including new development, shall be subject to the regulations listed under section 22-11, mandatory standards for existing development.
   (2)   All new developments shall be subject to the regulations listed under section 22-12, mandatory standards for new developments.
   (3)   All construction activities, whether for new development or improvements on existing developments, shall be subject to the regulations listed under section 22-13, mandatory standards for construction activities.
   (4)   The village will make efforts to educate the public regarding stormwater management in accordance with section 22-14.
(Ord. of 5-20-2000, § 4; Ord. No. 2016-1202, 12-16-2016)