Sec. 22-13. Mandatory standards for construction activities.
   Persons who fail to comply with these regulations after they have received notice from the village will be subject to a $500.00 fine for each violation and other actions or penalties as may be authorized by the village.
   (1)   For construction activities that disturb one acre or more, the state will require an erosion and sediment control plan. The developer must submit a copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan to the village manager.
   (2)   The village manager and the village building inspector have the authority to monitor construction activities to ensure that developers comply with the erosion and sediment control plan. The village shall also have the authority to levy fines when the erosion and sediment control plan has been violated.
   (3)   Construction activities that disturb less than one acre and infringe upon a state defined area of environmental concern will require a CAMA minor permit from the village manager.
   (4)   All debris and trash must be contained onsite during construction. All garbage receptacles must have high sides or covers to prevent the airborne transport of debris such as plastic and paper. In addition, hazardous materials used during the construction process must be stored and disposed of properly to ensure that they do not enter surface waters. All equipment and/or tools should be covered when not in use.
(Ord. of 5-20-2000, § 9; Ord. No. 2016-1202, 12-16-2016)