Sec. 22-11. Mandatory standards for existing development.
   (a)    No landscaping using impervious materials such as solid plastic and vinyl that have a substantial or material impact on water percolation into the soil, will be permitted. Property owners must remove any such materials installed after May 20, 2000. Failure to comply within 30 days of notification is subject to a fine of $50.00 for each incident and day of violation as well as any and all costs of removal.
   (b)    Yard wastes, including dredge spoil, leaves, and yard trimmings, may not be deposited into surface waters. Acceptable management practices for yard wastes include composting and land filling. Persons who deposit yard wastes into surface waters are subject to a fine of $200.00 for each incident of violation as well as any and all costs of removal, cleanup and remediation.
   (c)    Septic systems must be pumped and maintained on a regular basis according to local regulations to prevent contaminated wastewater from discharging to surface waters. Owners of systems that are found to be discharging to surface waters will be given seven calendar days to correct such conditions. Property owners who fail to comply following this seven-day period will be subject to a fine of $200.00 for each incident and day of violation as well as any and all costs of cleanup and remediation.
   (d)    Hazardous compounds must not be discharged to a septic system. Such compounds include but are not limited to paint, paint thinner, solvents, pesticides, and petroleum products. Persons who discharge these hazardous substances into septic systems are subject to a fine of $200.00 for each incident of violation as well as any and all costs of removal, cleanup, and remediation.
   (e)    All label directions must be followed so that fertilizers and pesticides are mixed and applied correctly and at the proper time. The label is a legal document. Persons who incorrectly mix or apply chemicals are subject to a fine of $200.00 for each incident of violation as well as any and all costs of removal, cleanup, and remediation.
   (f)    Chemicals on both commercial and residential property must be stored in properly built and maintained storage facilities. Persons who do not store chemicals safely will be given seven calendar days to correct such conditions. Failure to comply following this seven-day period will be subject to a fine of $200.00 for each incident and day of violation as well as any and all costs of removal, cleanup, and remediation.
   (g)    Illegal discharges degrade water quality and are strictly prohibited. The following direct discharges resulting from the improper disposal of such materials into surface waters are unlawful. Violators will be subject to a fine of $200.00 for each incident and day of violation as well as any and all costs of removal, cleanup, and remediation.
      (1)   Sewage or biosolids.
      (2)   Polluted household wastewater, including but not limited to laundry wash water and dishwater.
      (3)   Leaking sanitary sewers and connections which have remained uncorrected for three days or more after seven days' notice.
      (4)   Leaking water lines with flows sufficient to cause soil erosion which have remained uncorrected for three days or more after seven days' notice.
      (5)   Commercial, industrial, or public vehicle, vessel, or equipment wash discharge.
      (6)   Solid, chemical, or sanitary waste.
      (7)   Dead terrestrial animals or animal fecal waste.
      (8)   Petroleum products or derivatives thereof.
      (9)   Wrecked or discarded vehicles or equipment.
      (10)   Trash, refuse, or garbage.
(Ord. of 5-20-2000, § 7; Ord. No. 2016-1202, 12-16-2016)