(a)   As part of the dedication of any street utility, easement or any other improved real property, the subdivider shall submit to the City, via the Planning Department, as- built documents indicating all improvements as put in place, with field notes and dimensions needed to record any variance from the design drawings.
   (b)   Such as-built documents shall be submitted in hard copy (one set) and electronic form.
      (1)   Electronic copy shall be submitted in PDF and DWG/DXF format.
   (c)   The dedication of public improvements shall not occur until all as-built documents required by this section are on file with the Planning Department.
   (d)   As-built information shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   BMP Information:
         A.   Bank elevation
         B.   BMP bottom elevation
         C.   BMP as-built volume calculations
         D.   BMP outlet structure information
      (2)   Structures:
         A.   Rim elevation
         B.   Invert elevation and size
         C.   Structure size
      (3)   Pipes:
         A.   Diameter
         B.   Material
         C.   Slope
      (4)   Roads:
         A.   Centerline elevations at all POI (Point of Inflection)
         B.   Centerline elevations at all intersections.
(Ord. 58-01. Passed 5-29-01; Ord. 44-04. Passed 4-12-04; Ord. 80-12. Passed 9-10-12; Ord. 45-13. Passed 5-13-13.)