(a)   The City shall withhold all public improvements of any nature, including the maintenance of streets and the furnishing of sewerage facilities and water service, from all land developments and subdivisions which have not been approved and from areas dedicated to the public which have not been accepted by Council according to the procedures set forth in these Subdivision Regulations.
   (b)   No board, public officer or authority shall accept, lay out, improve or authorize utilities to be laid in any street in the territory for which Council has adopted a Major Thoroughfare Plan, unless:
      (1)   The street has received the legal status of a public street prior to the adoption of the Plan;
      (2)   The street corresponds with a street shown on the Plan; or
      (3)   The street is shown on a subdivision plat or a street plat, which has been approved by Council.
   (c)   Upon adoption of the proposed comprehensive sewer plan for the City, all subdivision plats to come before Council for approval shall tie into such plan at the expense of the developer, and shall have the approval of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or its successor. The City may require subdivision plats submitted prior to the completion of the comprehensive sewer plan to tie into such proposed plan and have the approval of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or its successor.
(Ord. 58-01. Passed 5-29-01; Ord. 80-12. Passed 9-10-12.)