(a) It shall be the duty of the Law Director to be the legal advisor and attorney for the Municipality and for all officers, boards and commissions of the Municipality in their official capacities. Such duties shall include attendance at all public meetings of Council, the Planning Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals; preparation of all ordinances, resolutions and contracts; furnishing legal advice to the City and all its officers thereof in their official capacity concerning any matter before it or them; representing the City in all civil and criminal suits or proceedings instituted by or against the City or any department or officer thereof in his official capacity; and to perform all other duties required by law to be performed by the Law Director of the City.
(b) In performing the aforesaid duties, the Law Director may be assisted by the Assistant Director of Law.
(Ord. 1978-01. Passed 1-3-78.)
At the direction of the Law Director, the Assistant Director of Law may represent the City as its police prosecutor in all criminal matters; advise the members of the police division with respect to the preparation of affidavits and other related criminal matters; represent the City in all criminal prosecution in any court of record; and perform such other related duties as may be subscribed by Council or the Director of Law.
(Ord. 2001-265. Passed 9-24-01.)