(A)   The following steps will be used in the testing and hiring procedure unless provided otherwise under §§ 34.24 or 34.25
      (1)   Applications.
      (2)   Physical fitness evaluation (Certified peace officers excluded from this process.)
      (3)   Written examination (Certified peace officers excluded from this process.)
      (4)   Submit to the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council Peace Officer Employment Status and Standing Request pursuant to obtain peace officer certification status, and whether the officer/former officer is in good standing or being considered for revocation under KRS 15.391. The response to this request will be provided in accordance with KRS 15.405 (in-state) and KRS 15.406 (out-of- state).
      (5)   Suitability screening.
      (6)   Background investigation (continues throughout the process.)
      (7)   Oral interview & evaluation.
      (8)   Experience.
      (9)   Education.
      (10)   Residency.
      (11)   Military service.
      (12)   Eligibility list.
      (13)   Recommendation by Chief of Police to City Manager for a conditional offer of employment - pending satisfactory results of remaining procedures.
      (14)   Polygraph.
      (15)   Medical exam.
      (16)   Psychological evaluation.
   (B)   *NOTE - The order in which the procedures are performed above the conditional offer of employment is subject to administrative change.
(Ord. 174, 2022, passed 11-17-22; Am. Ord. 86, 2023, passed 6-23-23)