Vol. No.,
Pg. No. or
Ord. No.    Date    Subject
V-1 P. 103    9-1-1879    Certain territory in Section 9 of Montgomery Twp.
V-1 P. 149    2-11-1884    Territory in Township 22, Range 16.
V-1 P. 311    3-3-1890    Certain territory in Lots 468, 469, 44, 45 and 46 for park purposes.
V-1 P. 386    11-23-1896    Certain territory in Section 8, Township 22, Range 16.
V-1 P. 417    10-3-1898    Certain territory in Section 17, Township 22, Range 16.
V-1 P. 556    4-16-06    Certain property in Lot 841 for street purposes.
V-1 P. 559    4-16-06    Certain property in Lot 841 for street purposes.
92    6-3-19    Certain property in Sections 9 and 16 of Township 22, Range 16.
3499    11-19-51    Part of Sections 7 and 18 of Township 22, Range 16.
3451    7-21-52    Property in Sections 7 and 18 of Township 22, Range 16.
3802    5-2-55    Part of Section 8, Township 22, Range 16.
3810   6-6-55    Property in Section 20, Township 22, Range 16.
3857    9-19-55    Property in Section 17, Township 22, Range 16.
3936    6-4-56    Property in Sections 7 and 18, Township 22, Range 16.
3956    7-16-56    Amends Section 1 of Ord. 3936.
85-58    12-9-58    Land in NW and NE quarters of Section 8, Township 22, Range 16.
29-59    5-5-59    Land in NW and NE quarters of Section 8, Township 22, Range 16.
54-59    8-4-59    Part of SW quarter, Section 19, Township 22, Range 16.
43-60    8-16-60    Application of Kemp of part of SW quarter Section 9, Township 22, Range 16.
60-61    10-3-61    Part of NW quarter of Section 21, Township 22.
20-62    3-20-62    Part of NW quarter of Section 21, Township 22.
21-62    3-20-62    Part of SE quarter of Section 20, Township 22.
5-66    1-18-66    59.777 acres in Milton Twp., part of SE quarter of Section 13, Twp. 24, Range 17.
34-66    6-21-66    59.777 acres in Milton Twp., part of SE quarter of Section 13, Twp. 24, Range 17.
3-68    1-2-68    Accepting annexation application of Boyer for 79.46 acres in Milton Twp., in SW quarter of Section 24, Twp. 24, Range 17.
13-69    2-18-69    Part of SW quarter of Section 9, Twp. 22, Range 16 and part of Section 16, Twp. 22, Range 16.
26-69    4-1-69    Property from Bronson in Sections 6 and 12, Twp. 24, Range 17 and Section 7, Twp. 22, Range 16.
58-70    7-21-70    Part of NW quarter, NE quarter, SW quarter of Section 21 and part of NE quarter of Section 20, Twp. 22, Range 16.
6-71   2-2-71    Part of south half Section 5, part of NE quarter Section 8 and part of NW quarter Section 9, Twp. 22.
58-71    7-20-71    Part of SW quarter, Section 19 and part of NW quarter, Section 30, Twp. 22.
19-72    3-7-72    Part of SW quarter, Section 7, Twp. 22 and part of SE quarter, Section 12, Twp. 24.
Vol. No.
Pg. No. or
Ord. No.    Date    Subject
45-72    7-18-72    Part of SW quarter, Section 7, Twp. 22 and SE quarter, Section 12, Twp. 24.
52-72    10-3-72    Part of SE quarter, Section 5 and NE quarter, Section 8, Twp. 22.
60-73    9-4-73    Part of SW quarter, Section 16, Twp. 22, Range 16.
6-78    1-17-78    Part of NE and SE quarters, Section 12, Twp. 24, Range 17.
65-79    11-6-79    95.44 acres in Montgomery Twp., part of SE, SW and NW quarters, Sec. 16 Twp. 22, Range 16.
6-80    2-5-80    5.534 acres in Montgomery Twp., SW quarter, Sec. 9, Range 16, Twp. 22.
30-81    7-7-81    55.20 acres in Milton Twp., Sec. 24, Twp. 24, Range 17.
53-81    12-15-81    All of SE quarter, Sec. 16, Twp. 22, Range 16 in Montgomery Twp.
65-83    12-20-83    2.6219 acres in Montgomery Twp, part of SE quarter, Sec. 5, Twp. 22N, Range 16W.
17-84    3-12-84    44.24 acres in Montgomery Twp., part of SW quarter, Sec. 15 and SE quarter of Sec. 16, Twp. 22, Range 16.
54-84    10- 16-84    20.121 acres west of State Rt. 58 in Montgomery Twp.
9-85    3-5-85    Amends Ord. 54-84.
69-86    10-21-86    28.038 acres in Montgomery Twp., NW and SW quarters, Sec. 18.
61-87    12-15-87    9.628 acres in Montgomery Twp., part of the north half of the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 30, Twp. 22, Range 16.
34-88    5-17-88    187.991 acres in Milton Twp., part of the northeast quarter of Section 13, Twp. 24, Range 17.
35-88    5-17-88    25.967 acres in Montgomery Twp., part of the northeast and northwest quarters of Section 9, and the southeast quarter of Section 4, Twp. 22, Range 16.
63-88    9-20-88    35.059 acres in Milton Twp., part of the northeast quarter of Section 12, Twp. 24, Range 17.
76-88    11-15-88    3.9675 acres in Milton and Montgomery Twps. part of the northeast and southeast quarters of Section 12, Twp. 24, Range 17, Milton Twp. and part of the southwest quarter of Section 7, Twp. 22, Range 16, Montgomery Twp.
77-88    11-15-88    25.967 acres in Montgomery Twp., part of the northeast and northwest quarters of Section 9, and the southeast quarter of Section 4, Twp. 22, Range 16.
22-90    4-3-90    One acre in Montgomery Twp., part of the northwest quarter of Section 16.
Ord. No.    Date   Description
22-92   4-21-92   Authorizes annexation of triangular parcel in SE Quarter of Section 5, Twp. 22, Range 16, Montgomery Twp.
67-93   12-21-93   Authorizes annexation of SE Quarter of Section 5, T22N, R16W, Montgomery Twp.
67-94   11-1-94   Authorizes annexation of 6.589 acres in Milton Twp., part of NE and SE Quarters of Sec. 12, Twp. 24, Range 17.
73-94   12-6-94   Authorizes annexation of 9.2082 acres in Milton Twp., part of SW Quarter of Sec. 24, and NW Quarter of Sec. 25, Twp. 24, Range 17.
15-95   3-7-95   Authorizes annexation of 19.96 acres in Montgomery Twp., part of NW Quarter of Sec. 8, Twp. 22, Range 16.
34-95   5-2-95   Authorizes annexation of 0.3074 acres in Milton Twp., part of NE Quarter of Sec. 25, Twp. 24, Range 17.
83-95   12-26-95   Authorizes annexation of 0.914 acres in Montgomery Twp., part of SW Quarter of Sec. 7, Twp. 22, Range 16.
25-96   5-7-96   Authorizes annexation of 289.097 acres in Milton Twp. (NE and SE Quarters of Sec. 1, T-24, R-17) and in Montgomery Twp. (NW and SW Quarters of Sec. 6, T-22, R-16).
30-97   6-3-97   Authorizes annexation of 98.522 acres in Montgomery Twp., part of SW Quarter of Sec. 19 and NW Quarter of Sec. 30, Twp. 22, Range 16.
34-98   5-19-98   Authorizing the annexation of 37.212 acres in Milton Twp. to the City.
55-98   7-21-98   Authorizing the annexation of 0.588 acres in Montgomery Twp. to the City.
5-99   1-19-99   Authorizing the annexation of 69.658 acres and 0.497 acre in Montgomery Twp. to the City.
10-99   2-2-99   Authorizing the annexation of 69.658 acres and 0.497 acre in Montgomery Twp. to the City.
17-00   3-7-00   Authorizing the detachment of 0.4289 acre from the City of Montgomery Twp.
26-02   5-7-02   Authorizes annexation of portions of land parcels conveyed to N. Irvine, D.V.M. and C.E. Selby, known as part of SW Quarter of Sec. 21, T22N, R16W, Montgomery Twp.
61-02   9-17-02   Authorizes annexation of 3.371 acres in NW Quarter of Sec. 22, T22N, R16W, Montgomery Twp.
74-02   11-19-02   Authorizes annexation of 3.371 acres in NW Quarter of Sec. 22, T22N, R16W, Montgomery Twp.
64-04   9-21-04   Authorizes annexation of 5.878 acres in SW Quarter of Sec. 21, Twp.-22-North, Range-16-West.
67-04   10-5-04   Authorizes annexation of 17.344 +/- acres of land, contiguous to the City and located in Montgomery Township.
82-04   12-21-04   Authorizes annexation of 17.346 acres of land including 14.574 acres in Current Tax Map Parcel G-14, 1.222 acres in current Tax Map Parcel G-6, and 1.550 acres in Current Tax Map Parcel G-5.
35-05   5-17-05   Authorizes annexation of 45.9202 acres, more or less, (6.2178 acres of TMP “G2" and 39.7024 acres in TMP “H2").
Vol. No.
Pg. No. or
Ord. No.    Date    Subject
73-05   10-4-05   Authorizes annexation of 113.784 acres in the south half of Section No. 6 and a part of the north half of Section No. 7, Township 22 North, Range 16 West.
71-06   8-1-06   Authorizes the annexation of 185.3125 acres of land, of which 56.2844 acres are in the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, 90.4821 acres are in the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, 30.4138 acres are in the Northeast Quarter of Section 22 and 8.1322 acres are in the Southwest Quarter of Section 15.
77-06   9-5-06   Authorizes annexation of the east half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 24, Range 17 and the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 24, and Range 17.
78-06   9-19-06   Authorizes annexation of 10.687 acres in the Southwest Quarter of Section No. 15, Township 22 North, Range 16 West and being Township Road No. 785.
83-07   11-20-07   Authorizing annexation of contiguous territory, the description of which is attached hereto.
4-08   2-19-08   Authorizing the annexation of certain territory adjacent to the City and described in Exhibit A.
5-08   2-19-08   Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with Montgomery Township for the annexation of 2.609 acres of land owned by the City.
15-08   4-15-08   Authorizing the annexation of certain territory to the City described in Exhibit A.
42-08   9-2-08   Authorizing the annexation of certain territory to the City described in Exhibit A.
59-08   10-21-08   Authorizing the annexation of certain territory to the City, described in Exhibit A.
62-08   11-4-08   Authorizing the annexation of certain territory to the City, described in Exhibit A.
64-08   11-4-08   Authorizing the annexation of certain territory to the City, described in Exhibit A.
32-09   4-21-09   Authorizing annexation of 3.171 acres of land, contiguous to the City and located in Montgomery Township.
65-09   8-18-09   Authorizing annexation of certain territory to the City, described in Exhibit A.
3-15   2-3-15   Authorizing annexation of certain territory to the City, described in Exhibit A.
42-15   6-16-15   Authorizing annexation of certain territory to the City, described in Exhibit A.
75-17   8-15-17   Accepting the annexation of certain territory in Milton Township and Montgomery Township.