Ord. No.    Date    Subject
3617    10-19-53    Change district from Residential to Industrial.
3954    7-2-56    Certain property in Sections 13, 18, 19 and 20 of Township 22, Range 16 zoned Residential District.
4096    9-16-57    Land across the SE side of Clermont Ave. from Steamtown Rd. to the Paul Martin property, from Residential to Limited Business.
73-58    10-7-58    Lots 1637, 1638 and 1639 from R-A Residential to R-S Residential.
32-59    6-2-59    Land near W. 18th St. and Myers Ave. from R-S Residential to M-1 Light Industrial; Land near Cottage and Pleasant Sts. from R-S Residential to B-1 Business; Lots 953 to 955 from R- Residential to M-2 Heavy Industrial; Land bounded by E. 7th and 8th Sts., Electric Ave., and Buckeye St. from M-2 Heavy Industrial to M-1 Light Industrial.
37-58   6-16-59    Land in the NW and NE quarters, Section 8, Township 22, Range 16 from R-S Residential and R-L Residential to M-1 Light Industrial.
83-59    12-1-59    Lots 1062 to 1065 from R-S Residential to M-1 Light Industrial.
5-62    1-16-62    Area bounded by Scott St., Masters Ave. and Sandusky St. from
      R- L Residential to R-A Residential.
27-62    5-3-62    (a)    Area bounded by Miller St., Holbrook St., Lincoln Ave., Sherman Ave. and Main St. from R-S Residential to B-3 Highway Service Business.
      (b)    Area bounded by E. Main St. and E. Liberty St. from B-1 Neighborhood Business to B-3 Highway Service Business.
64-63    11-5-63    Part of SW quarter of Section 19, Township 22, from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
67-64    9-1-64    South Center St. rezoned R-S Residential.
31-65    7-6-65    10.40 acres in SW quarter of Section 24, Twp. 24, Range 17 from R-L Residential to B-3 Highway Service Business.
1-67    1-3-67    Area bounded by Miller St., East Main St., west line of Lot 4G, and the north line of Lots 4G & 4H, and the south bank of Town Creek, from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
2-67    1-3-67    Lots 1621, 1622 and 20 ft. of land known as Lot 1621A, from R-S Residential to S-U Special Use.
46-67    8-1-67    Area situated in east half of SW quarter of Section 24, Twp. 24, Range 17, from R-L Residential to M-1 Light Industrial.
50-67    8-15-67    Area near intersection of King Rd. & College Ave. from R-S Residential and S-U Special Use to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
Ord. No.    Date    Subject
51-67    8-15-67    Area near intersection of W. 16th & Short Sts. from M-2 Heavy Industrial to M-1 Light Industrial.
59-67    10-3-67    Area situated in SE quarter of NW quarter of Section 24, Twp. 24, Range 17 from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
69-67    12-5-67    Area near intersection of south line of Lot 1816 and King Rd. from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
70-67    12-19-67    Area bounded by College Ave., College Blvd. and Grant St. from R-A Residential to S-U Special Use.
71-67    12-19-67    Area between King Rd. and Smith Rd. on SE side of Claremont Ave. from R-S Residential to S-U Special Use.
72-67    12-19-67    Area 50 ft. wide between King Rd. and Grant St. on north side of Samaritan Ave. from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use.
73-67    12-19-67    Area near intersection of King Rd. and Samaritan Ave. from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use.
4-68    1-2-68    Lots 2951 and 2950 on the north side of E. Main St. from R-A Residential to B-3 Highway Service Business.
9-68    2-6-68    Lots 643 to 648, 849 to 851 and 1041 to 1043, from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
10-68    2-14-68    Area bounded by Cottage St. and Troy St. from R-S Residential to M-1 Light Industrial.
12-68    2-20-68    Part of SW quarter of Section 24, Twp. 24, Range 17 zoned M-1 Light Industrial.
46-68    5-7-68    NW quarter Section 18, Twp. 22, Range 16 and NE quarter Section 13, Twp. 124, Range 17 from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
52-68    6-18-68    Area bounded by W. Main St. and Parkside Dr. from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
53-68    6-18-68    Lots 336, 336-A, 336-B, 337, 337-A and 337-B from R-A Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
54-68    6-18-68    Part of SE quarter of Section 20, Twp. 22, Range 16 from R-L Residential to R-S Residential.
10-69    2-4-69    Lots 902-A and 902 through 906 from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
11-69    2-4-69    Land in SE quarter of Section 24, Twp 24, Range 17 from R-L Residential to R-M Mobile Home Residential.
12-69    2-4-69    Land in vicinity of Claremont Ave. and west property from R-L Residential to B-3 Highway Service Business.
30-69    4-29-69    Lots 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 609 and 609A from R-A Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
31-69    4-29-69    Land annexed by Ord. 26-69 zoned W3 Highway Service Business.
Ord. No.    Date    Subject
66-69    7-29-69    Lot 225 from R-A Residential to S-U Special Use.
74-69    8-19-69    Land in SW quarter Section 6, Twp. 22, Range 17 zoned M-3 Industrial Park.
23-70    3-17-70    Area on the east side of Troy St. adjacent to and south of Lot 1853, from R-A Residential to R-M Mobile Home Residential.
42-70    5-19-70    Area bounded by Taylor St., Maple St., E. Main St. and Washington St. from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
49-70    6-23-70    Area beginning at intersection of Broad St. and Davis St. from R-L Residential to RL-2 Residential.
64-70    9-1-70    Certain lots on Claremont Ave., Madison St., Jefferson St. and others from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use.
65-70    9-1-70    Part of the SE quarter of Section 13, Twp. 24, Range 17 from R-L to R-A Residential.
77-70   10-20-70    Part of SE quarter of Section 20, Twp. 24 from R-S Residential to R-L Residential.
28-71    4-7-21    Lots 3205 and part of 3206 from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
52-71    7-13-71    6.843 acres of SE quarter, Section 20, Twp. 22 from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use.
54-71    7-20-71    Part of south half, Section 5, Twp. 22 zoned R-M Mobile Home Residential.
57-71    7-20-71    Part of SE quarter, Section 24, Twp. 24 from B-3 Highway Service Business to R-M Mobile Home Residential.
67-71    10-5-71    Land at intersection of Pleasant St. and Cottage St. from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
68-71    10-5-71    Land at SE corner of NW quarter, Section 16, Twp. 22, zoned B-3 Highway Service Business.
80-71    12-21-71    Part of NE quarter, Section 18, Twp. 22, from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
81-71    12-21-71    Part of south half, Section 6, Twp. 22, zoned M-3 Industrial Park.
82-71    12-21-71    Part of SW quarter, Section 5, Twp. 22 zoned R-A Residential.
83-71    12-21-71    Part of SE quarter, Section 5, NE quarter Section 8, west half Section 9 zoned M-2 Heavy Industrial.
84-71    12-21-71    Part of SW quarter, Section 9 and part of NW quarter, Section 16, Twp. 22 zoned B-3 Highway Service Business.
85-71    12-21-71    Part of NW and SW quarters, Section 21 and part of NE quarter Section 20, Twp. 22 zoned R-L Residential.
86-71    12-21-71    Part of NW, NE and SE quarters, Section 21, Twp. 22 zoned RL-3 Residential.
87-71    12-21-71    Part of SW quarter, Section 19, Twp. 22 zoned R-L Residential.
Ord. No.    Date    Subject
88-71    12-21-71    Part of NW quarter, Section 30, Twp. 22 zoned B-3 Highway Service Business
89-71    12-21-71    Part of NW quarter, Section 30, Twp. 22 zoned R-A Residential.
90-71    12-21-71    Part of NW quarter, Section 30, Twp. 22 zoned RL-3 Residential.
4-72    1-4-72    Part of NE quarter, Section 7, Twp. 22, from R-S Residential to M-1 Light Industrial.
5-72    1-4-72    Part of NE quarter, Section 7, Twp. 22, zoned M-1 Light Industrial.
6-72    1-4-72    Part of NW quarter, Section 7, Twp. 22 and NE quarter, Section 12, Twp. 24, zoned M-1 Light Industrial.
24-72    4-4-72    Part of SW quarter, Section 24, Twp. 24, zoned M-1 Light Industrial.
27-72    5-2-72    Lot 907 from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
5-73   1-16-73    7.691 acres beginning at intersection of SR58 and south line of SE quarter of Section 5 zoned M-2 Heavy Industrial.
41-73    5-15-73    Area at SW corner E. Washington St., E. Main St. and Eastern Ave. from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
27-74    5-7-74    Area in NW, NE and SE quarters of Section 17, and part of the NW and SW quarters of Section 16, Twp. 22, Range 16, to B-3 Highway Service Business.
6-74    2-5-74    Part of the SW quarter, Section 16, Twp. 22, Range 16, to RL-3 Residential.
43-74    7-2-74    Area in SW quarter of Section 8, Twp. 22, Range 16, from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
38-76    7-20-76    Certain property on Center St. from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use.
61-76    12-21-76    Area bounded by Eighth St., Cleveland Ave., Seventh St. and Cahn Ave. from B-1 Neighborhood Business to M-1 Light Industrial.
62-76    12-21-76    Certain property in Section 17, Twp. 22, from R-S Residential to
      B-1 Neighborhood Business.
35-77    5-3-77   Area in SE quarter of Section 24, Twp. 24, Range 17 from R-L Residential to M-1 Light Industrial.
49-77    7-5-77    Part of NE quarter, Section 18, Twp. 22, Range 16 from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
29-78    5-2-78    Area in SW quarter of Section 5, Twp. 22N of Range 16W from
      R-M Mobile Home Residential to R-A Residential.
10-79    2-20-79    Lots 2367 through 2372 and portions of Lot 2424, North Ashland, from R-A Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
25-79    4-17-79    Lots 2649 - 2651 North Ashland at Cleveland Ave. and E. Seventh St., from B-1 Neighborhood Business to B-3 Highway Service Business.
Ord. No.    Date    Subject
29-79    5-1-79    Part of the northwest quarter of Section 19, Twp. 22, Range 16, from R-A Residential to R-S Residential District.
31-79    5-15-79    Part of the southeast quarter of Section 24, Twp. 24, Range 17, from R-L Residential to M-1 Light Industrial District.
33-79    5-15-79    Part of the northwest quarter of Section 17, Twp. 22, Range 16, comprising Lots 136 and 137 South Ashland, from R-A Residential to R-S Residential District.
34-79    5-15-79    Part of the southeast quarter of Section 17, Twp. 22, Range 16, from R-A Residential to B-3 Highway Service Business District.
50-79    9-18-79    Lots 354 and 355, N. Ashland, and 16.5 ft. wide N-S alley from
      R-S Residential to B-l Neighborhood Business.
51-79    9-4-79    16 + acres on S. side of West Main St. along City corporation line and area west of Lots 2255, 2256 and 2257 from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
52-79    9-4-79    Lots 426, 427, 428, 429, 430 and 430A, S. Ashland, from R-S Residential to B- I Neighborhood Business.
68-79    11-6-79    Area bounded by W. Main St., Parkside Dr., Summit St. and City corp. line from R-A Residential to R-L Residential.
50-80    7-29-80    Annexed area near Sloan Ave. and U.S. 42 zoned B-3 Highway Service Business.
54-80    9-16-80    Lot 1678, S. Ashland, from R-L Residential to R-S Residential.
64-80    11-4-80    Parcel on Samaritan Ave. north side, and Lot 1206, S. Ashland, from S-U Special Use to R-L Residential.
65-80    11-4-80    Lot 1600, S. Ashland, from S-U Special Use to R-S Residential.
14-81    3-3-81    Area near Grace Brethren Church and W. Main St. from R-L Residential to R-A Residential.
43-81    12-1-81    Annexed area near U.S. 42 zoned part R-L Residential and part M-l Light Industrial.
16-82    4-20-82    Annexed area along U.S. 250 zoned M-4 Industrial and Business Park.
40-82    7-27-82    Area bounded by Vine, Cottage and Pleasant Sts. from R-S Residential to B- I Neighborhood Business.
41-82    7-27-82    Area near Broad St. and Elmarna Ave. from R-L Residential to R-S Residential.
53-82    11-16-82    Area near Claremont Ave. and Jefferson St. from S-U Special Use to B- 1 Neighborhood Business.
54-82    11-16-82    Area near Jefferson and Broad Sts. from S-U Special Use to R-S Residential.
21-83    3-1-83    Area near Pleasant and Cottage Sts. from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
Ord. No.    Date    Subject
25-84    5-1-84    Area near Cleveland Ave. and Miller St. from R-S Residential to
      B-1 Neighborhood Business.
33-84    6-19-84    Annexed area of 5.855 acres north of U.S. 250 zoned M-1 Light Industrial.
34-84    6-19-84    Annexed area north and south of U.S. 250 zoned M-4 Industrial and Business Park.
35-84    6-19-84    Annexed area of 2.6219 acres near abandoned Lorain, Ashland and southwestern R.R. zoned R-A Residential.
36-85    7-16-85    Area near Eastern Ave. from R-A Residential to B-3 Highway Service Business.
47-85    10-1-85    Area near Silverstone Lake Estates Mobile Home Park from R-M Mobile Home Residential District to R-A Residential.
48-85    10-1-85    Annexed area in Montgomery Twp. in NE quarter of Sec. 8, Twp. 22, Range 16: 19 acres west of State Rt. 58 zoned M-1 Light Industrial and 1.134 acres zoned R-M Mobile Home Residential.
49-85    10-1-85    Area south of W. Main St. from R-L and R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
47-86    7-15-86    Area 500 ft. N. of Claremont Ave. from R-L Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
63-86    9-16-86    Area along Claremont Ave. from R-S Residential and S-U Special Use to B-1 Neighborhood Business.
64-86    9-16-86    Area near Claremont and Laurel Aves. from R-S Residential to
      B-1 Neighborhood Business.
9-87    3-3-87    Lots 445A and 446A, S. Ashland, on the north side of W. Washington St. from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business District.
10-87    3-17-87    Property near W. Main St. (28.038 acres) zoned as an R-A Residential District.
25-87    5-19-87    Property near Cottage St. and W. Third St. from R-S Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business District.
31-88    5-17-88    Property near Mifflin Ave. zoned as an R-A Residential District.
44-88    6-21-88    Property near Claremont Ave. from R-L Residential to B-3 Highway Service Business District.
55-88    8-2-88    Property near Holbrooke St. from R-A Residential to R-S Residential District.
73-88    11-1-88    Parts of the southwest quarter of Section 16, Twp. 22, Range 16 zoned as R-L and RL-3 Residential Districts.
37-89    6-20-89    25.967 acres zoned as an M-2 Heavy Industrial District.
38-89    6-20-89    3.9675 acres zoned as an R-L Residential District.
42-89    7-25-89    Property near Orange Rd. and Troy Rd. from R-A Residential to
      B-1 Neighborhood Business District.
Ord. No.    Date   Subject
27-90   5-1-90   45.808 acres, part of SW Quarter of Section 9, Twp. 22, Range 16, from B-3 Highway Service Business to M-1 Light Industrial District.
51-90   9-4-90   Part of SE Quarter of Section 24, Twp 24-N, Range 17-W from R- M Mobile Home Residential to B-3 Highway Service District.
67-90   11-6-90   35.059 acres, part of NE Quarter of Section 12, Twp. 24, Range 17 zoned R-L Residential District.
35-91   6-4-91   22.2 acres, part of NW Quarter of Section 16, Twp. 22, Range 16 from B-3 Highway Service Business to R-A Residential District.
60-92   11-17-92   Triangular parcel in SE Quarter of Section 5, Twp. 22, Range 16, Montgomery Twp. zoned M-1 Light Industrial District.
41-93   6-1-93   Part of NE Quarter of Section 7, Twp. 22, Range 16, from R-S Residential to M-1 Light Industrial District.
66-93   12-31-93   Part of SW Quarter of Section 16, Twp. 22, Range 16 from R-L Residential to RL-3 Residential District.
20-94   3-15-94   Zones land annexed by Ordinance 67-93 as R-5 Residential District.
43-94   7-5-94   Property near Fairbanks St. and Claremont Ave. from B-1 Neighborhood Business to B-3 Highway Service Business District.
44-94   7-5-94   Property commencing at NE corner of Lot 1349 S.A., the NW corner of Charlotte Ave. and SE corner of Lot 3373 S.A. from R-A Residential to B-3 Highway Service Business District.
69-94   11-15-94   13.196 acres, part of SE Quarter of Section 20, Twp. 22, Range 16, from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use District.
8-95   2-7-95   6.589 acres, part of NE and SE Quarters of Sec. 12, Twp. 24, Range 17, Milton Twp., zoned R-L Residential District.
18-95   3-21-95   Property in NE Quarter of Sec. 18, Twp. of Montgomery from R- S Residential to S-U Special Use District.
19-95   3-21-95   9.2082 acres, part of SW Quarter of Sec. 24 and NW Quarter of Sec. 25, Milton Twp., Twp. 24, Range 17 zoned M-1 Light Industrial District.
39-95   6-20-95   Property, part of SE Quarter of Sec. 18, Twp. of Union from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use District.
73-95   11-7-95   19.96 acres, part of NW Quarter of Sec. 8, Twp. 22, Range 16 zoned R-M District.
1-96   2-6-96   Property, part of SE Quarter of Sec. 24, Twp. 24-N, Range 17-W from R-L Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business District.
6-96   3-5-96   0.859 acres, part of SW Quarter of Sec. 7, Montgomery Twp., Twp. 22, Range 16 zoned R-L Residential District.
24-96   5-7-96   1.0045 acres, part of NW Quarter of Sec. 18, Twp. 22N, Range 16W from R-L Residential to R-A Residential District.
59-96   9-3-96   Property, part of NE and SE Quarters of Sec. 1, Milton Twp., Twp 24, Range 17 and NW and SW Quarters of Sec. 6, Montgomery Twp., Twp. 22, Range 16 zoned M-1 District.
Ord. No.    Date   Subject
60-96   9-3-96   36.5224 acres, part of SE Quarter of Sec. 6, Twp. 22, Range 16, Twp. of Montgomery from M-3 Industrial Park to M-1 District.
73-96   11-5-96   Property, 2 parcels in Tax Map Parcel J and Tax Map Parcel C/3, part of SE Quarter of Sec. 6, Twp. 22-N, Range 16-W from M-3 Residential to M-1 Light Industrial District.
77-96   11-19-96   Property, part of NE Quarter of Sec. 7, Twp. of Montgomery from R-S Residential to M-1 Light Industrial District.
55-97   9-16-97   Property, part of SE Quarter of Sec. 18, Twp. of Union from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use District.
57-97   10-7-97   Property, part of SE Quarter of Sec. 18, Twp. of Union, from R-L Residential to S-U Special Use District.
3-98   1-20-98   Property commencing at NE corner of NW Quarter of Sec. 16, Twp. 22-N, Range 16-W (at intersection of centerlines of Middle Rowsburg and Davis Rds.) from B-3 Highway Service Business to M-1 Light Industrial District.
17-98   3-17-98   Establishing the R-L Residential District as the appropriate district for 53.404 acres annexed by Ord. 30-97.
32-98   5-5-98   Rezoning a certain area of the City from R-L Residential District to a B-3 Highway Service Business District to permit an extension to an existing building.
41-98   6-16-98   Establishing the M-1, the B-1 and the R-A Districts as the appropriate zoning districts for 37.22 acres annexed by Ord. 34-98.
45-98   7-7-98   Establishing the R-L Residential District as the appropriate zoning district for 3.768 acres annexed by Ord. 30-97.
46-98   7-7-98   Establishing the R-A Residential District as the appropriate zoning district for 37.79 acres annexed by Ord. 30-97.
56-98   7-21-98   Establishing the S-U Special Use District as the appropriate zoning district for 1.18 acres annexed by Ord. 55-98.
6-99   1-19-99   Establishing the M-4 Industrial and Business Park District as the appropriate zoning district for 69.658 acres and 0.497 acre annexed by Ord. No. 5-99.
11-99   2-2-99   Establishing the M-4 Industrial and Business Park District as the appropriate zoning district for 69.658 acres and 0.497 acre annexed by Ord. No. 5-99.
42-99   5-18-99   Rezoning a certain area of the City from R-1 Residential District to B-3 Highway Service Business District.
46-99   6-15-99   Rezoning a certain area of the City from R-1 Residential District to S-U Special Use District (Ashland University).
72-01   10-2-01   Part of SW Quarter of Sec. 6, Montgomery Twp. from M-3 Industrial Park to M-4 Industrial and Business Park District.
48-02   7-2-02   Certain area in the City from M-2 Heavy Industrial to M-1 Light Industrial District.
Ord. No.    Date   Subject
54-02   9-3-02   15.593 acres, part of land parcel described in deed to T. J. Enterprises, Inc. from R-A Residential to R-M Mobile Home Residential District.
2-03   1-7-03   Certain area in the City commencing at the NE corner of Lot No. 513-A, S. Ashland from RS Residential to B-1 Neighborhood Business District.
57-03   6-3-03   Certain area in the City commencing at the NW corner of Lot No. 2239, S. Ashland, also being the NE corner of Lot No. 2256, S. Ashland from R-L Residential to R-A Residential District.
75-03   7-15-03   3.371 acres in NW Quarter of Sec. 22, T22, R16W zoned M-4 Industrial and Business Park District.
16-04   3-16-04   Three parcels from R-L Residential District to S-U Special Use District.
32-04   4-20-04   A certain area along West Main Street from a R-L Residential District to a R-A Residential District.
41-04   6-15-04   A certain area at the intersection of Samaritan Avenue and Grant Street from a R-L Residential District to S-U Special Use District.
16-04   3-16-04   Three parcels from a “R-L” Residential District to “S-U” Special Use District.
32-04   4-20-04   A certain area of the City from a “R-L” Residential District to “R- A” Residential District.
41-04   6-15-04   A certain area of the City from a “R-L” Residential District to “S- U” Special Use District.
74-04   11-16-04   A certain area of the City from a “R-S” Residential District to “B- 1" Neighborhood Business District.
81-04   12-21-04   A certain area of the City of Ashland, Ohio, from a “M-4" Industrial & Business Park District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
44-05   6-7-05   A certain area of the City from a “R-A” Residential to “R-S” Residential District.
54-05   6-21-05   The area annexed by Ordinance 35-05 zoned M-1 Light Industrial District.
52-05   6-7-05   The area annexed by Ord. 82-04 zoned R-S Residential District.
1-06   1-3-06   A 5.627 acre parcel from “M-3" Industrial Park District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
55-06   6-20-06   18.330 acre parcel from “R-L” Residential District to “RL-3" Residential District.
103-06   12-29-06   The area annexed by Ord. 78-06 zoned M-1 Light Industrial District.
104-06   12-29-06   The area annexed by Ordinance 71-06 zoned M-1 Light Industrial District.
4-07   1-16-07   The area annexed by Ord. 71-06 zoned R-S Residential District.
45-08   9-2-08   A 6.124 acre parcel from “R-L” Residential District to “R-S” Residential District.
60-08   10-21-08   The area annexed by Ord. 15-08 zoned M-1 Light Industrial District.
65-08   11-18-08   The area annexed by Ordinance 64-08 zoned M-4 Industrial and Business Park.
54-09   7-7-09   The area annexed by Ord. 73-05 zoned M-1 Light Industrial District.
90-09   12-15-09   A portion of a parcel of land conveyed to Buecheles Revocable Trust by deed recorded in Official Records Volume 0337, Page 0894 and known as being part of the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 24-N, Range 17-W zoned as R-L.
91-09   12-15-09   Land annexed by Ordinance 59-08 zoned as an “R-A” Residential District.
92-09   12-15-09   Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section No. 17, Township 22 North, Range 16 West from “R-A” Residential District to “R-S” Residential District.
1-11   2-1-11   An area annexed by Ordinance 34-88, zoned “R-L” Residential District.
2-11   2-1-11   An area annexed by Ordinance 26-02, zoned “B-3" Highway Service Business.
3-11   2-1-11   An area annexed by Ordinance 3-11 zoned “R-A” Residential District.
81-11   12-27-11   A certain area of the City from “M-3" Industrial Park District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
31-12   5-15-12   A certain area of the City from “M-2" Heavy Industrial District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
57-12   12-4-12   A certain area of the City from “R-S” Residential District to “B-1" Neighborhood Business District.
58-12   12-4-12   A certain area of the City from “R-A” Residential District to “B-1" Neighborhood Business District.
59-12   12-4-12   A certain area of the City from “R-M” Mobile Home Residential District to “B-1" Neighborhood Business District.
4-15   2-3-15   The area annexed by Ordinance 3-15 zoned as “M-1" Light Industrial District.
22-15   4-21-15   A certain area of the City from “R-S” Residential District to “B-1" Neighborhood Business District.
23-15   4-21-15   A certain area of the City from “R-A” Residential District to “B-1" Neighborhood Business District.
54-15   7-7-15   The area annexed by Ordinance 42-15 zoned “M-4" Industrial and Business Park District.
67-15   9-1-15   A certain area of the City from “M-2" Heavy Industrial District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
68-15   9-1-15   A certain area of the City from “M-2" Heavy Industrial District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
69-15   9-1-15   A certain area of the City from “M-2" Heavy Industrial District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
70-15   9-1-15   A portion of the area annexed by Ordinance 42-15 zoned “M-4" Industrial and Business Park District.
71-15   9-1-15   A portion of the area annexed by Ordinance 42-15 zoned “M-4" Industrial and Business Park District.
58-16   7-5-16   A certain area of the City from “M-4" Industrial and Business Park District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
95-16   10-4-16   A certain area of the City from “RL-3" Residential District to “R-L” Residential District.
38-17   5-2-17   A certain area of the City from “R-S” Residential District to “M-4" Industrial and Business Park District.
108-17   11-7-17   Establishing the appropriate zoning district of a certain area of the City as an “M-1" Light Industrial District.
109-17   11-7-17   Establishing the appropriate zoning district of a certain area of the City as an “R-L” Residential District.
110-17   11-7-17   Establishing the appropriate zoning district of a certain area of the City as an “R-L” Residential District.
118-17   11-21-17   A certain area of the City from “R-S” Residential District to “M- 1" Light Industrial District.
84-18   11-6-18   A certain area of the City from “R-S” Residential District to “M-4" Industrial and Business Park District.
29-19   4-16-19   A certain area of the City from “M-4" Industrial and Business Park District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
60-21      9-21-21   A certain area of the City on Baney Road from “R-A” Residential District to “B-3" Highway Service Business District.
47-22      7-19-22   A certain area of the City on Short Street from “R-S" Residential District to “M-1" Light Industrial District.
77-22   11-15-22   A certain area of the City on Baney Road from “R-L” Residential District to “RL-2" Residential District.
44-23   6-20-23   A certain area of the City on Eastbrook Dr. from “R-L” Residential District to “B-3" Highway Service Business District.