Vol. No.,
Pg. No. or
Ord. No. Date Description
V-1, P. 489 7-20-03 Certain property in Lots 324 & 325.
V-1, P. 550 3-5-06 Certain property in Lot 20.
V-1, P. 588 12-3-06 Certain property in Lots 324 and 325.
V-2, P. 2 1-7-07 Property in Lot 20, N. Ashland.
108 11-11-13 Certain property in N. Ashland.
193 7-6-15 Lot 946 in the Board of Trade Addition.
285 10-2-23 Property in Section 17, Township 22, Range 16 to State of Ohio for armory.
287-A 10-23-23 Part of Lot 474.
294 1-15-24 Part of Lot 468.
363 3-17-25 Part of Lot 468.
3026 12-17-45 Part of Lot 468.
3045 4-8-46 Part of Lot 468.
3055 6-3-46 City Opera House property.
3130 9-8-47 City Opera House property.
3158 12-15-47 Property on middle Rowsburg Rd.
3185 4-5-48 Property in Section 16, Township 22, Range 16.
3232 11-1-48 City Opera House property.
3632 11-16-53 Part of Lot 2871 traded for property in Section 7.
3846A 9-6-55 Lot 1817.
4130 12-16-57 East portion of Lots 117, 126 and 126 PT.
31-59 5-5-59 Troy Road City Dump.
18-63 3-5-63 Part of Lot 42.
45A-71 6-15-71 Lot 269 formerly used by Street Department.
42-75 7-1-75 Lots 203 and 204, N. Ashland.
37-83 7-5-83 To State of Ohio for 250 by-pass project.
55-90 9-18-90 Directs sale of part of Lot 659, North Ashland.
57-94 9-20-94 Directs conveying real property, Lot 163, N.A. and W portion of Lot 162, N.A. to Industrial Savings and Loan Assn.
15-98 3-3-98 Authorizing sale of 6.185 acres on E. Main St. to County Commissioners for new jail facility.
81-98 11-17-98 Authorizing sale of Lot Nos. 2544, N.A. and 2561, N.A., by bids.
90-98 12-15-98 Authorizing sale of Lot No. 10 S.A. to Sutton State Bank.
26-99 3-16-99 Authorizing sale of Lot No. 3421, S.A., by bids.
71-99 9-21-99 Authorizing sale of property through the Community Improvement Corporation (Garber Ford Industrial Park).
37-00 7-11-00 Authorizing sale of certain property in the Garber Ford Industrial Park to ECO Properties, LLP.
24-01 3-6-01 Authorizes sale of certain City-owned land through the Community Improvement Corp.
31-01 4-3-01 Directs purchase of Lots 327 and 329 by City from Ashland City School District Bd. of Education.
Vol. No.,
Pg. No. or
Ord. No. Date Description
64-01 9-4-01 Directs purchase by City of 3.36 acres, Parcel No. I25-022-0-0001- 00, part of NW quarter, Sec. 22, Montgomery Twp., from M.D. Graffice.
25-02 4-16-02 Authorizes quit-claim deed and bill of sale after lease cancellation in order to convey real and personal property (the “Project”) to Liqui-Box Corp.
37-03 4-15-03 Directs advertising for bids for sale of 2.773 acres (part of 3.371 acre parcel) owned by City (Parcel No. P44-191-0-0005-00, part of NW Quarter, Sec. 22, Montgomery Twp.) located on George Rd.
45-03 5-6-03 Directs trade agreement between City and R.C. and N.C. Somerlade for 0.58 acre parcel in S.W. Quarter, Sec. 3, Montgomery Twp. (Parcel No. I27-003-0-0042-01).
46-03 5-6-03 Directs trade agreement between City and R.C. and N.C. Somerlade for 0.214 and 0.245 acre parcels, part of SW Quarter, Sec.3, Montgomery Twp. (Parcel Nos. I27-003-0-0041-00 and I27-003-0- 0037-00).
3-06 1-17-06 Authorizes the sale of five acres of land located in the Garber-Ford Industrial Park to J&H Lawncare and Snowplowing.
39-06 4-4-06 Authorizes the sale of approximately ten acres of land located in the Garber-Ford Industrial Park to Wisio, LLC. or their designated agent.
66-06 6-20-06 Authorizes the sale of approximately 8.8 acres of land located in the Garber-Ford Industrial Park to Remm, LLC. or their designated agent.
40-07 6-19-07 Authorizes the sale of 26.590 acres of land, located in the Ashland Business Park to Baker Ashland, Ltd.
49-08 9-2-08 Authorizes the sale of 6 acres of land for $51,000 dollars located in the Ashland Business Park to Grace Property Management, LLC.
52-08 9-16-08 Amending Ordinance No. 49-08, authorizing certain land belonging to the City, to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
24-09 3-3-09 Authorizing the sale of 9.008 acres of land located in the Ashland Business Park to TJM, LLC.
26-09 3-17-09 Amending Ordinance No. 24-09, relative to the name of the purchasing entity.
48-09 6-23-09 Rescinding Ordinance Numbers 24-09 and 26-09.
50-09 6-23-09 Authorizes the sale of 11.64 acres in the Ashland Business Park to Barbasol Land, LLC.
28-10 6-1-10 Amends Ord. 95-09; directs sale of 75' x 90' extensions of real property to owners of Lots 4223 to 4229, and 4245 to 4250.
31-10 6-15-10 Directs sale by auction with reserve of 65.40 acres (two parcels: 22.755 acres and 42.64 acres).
45-10 8-16-10 City land sold to Novatex North America through the Community Improvement Corp.
50-10 9-7-10 Amends Ord. No. 45-10, relative to the name of the purchasing entity (from Novatex North America to Ashland Property Resources, Inc.)
4-13 2-5-13 Sale of ± 18 acres in Ashland Business Park to Ashland Property Resources, Inc. for industrial development.
7-13 3-5-13 Sale of 13.777 acres in Ashland Business Park to the Community Improvement Corporation.
46-15 6-22-15 Sale of Lot Nos. 53 and 43 Ashland.
58-15 7-31-15 13,060 square feet and referred to as 738 Claremont Avenue, Ashland, plus two adjacent parcels which are a parking lot to Ashland University.
44-16 5-17-16 Authorizing the sale of certain real property consisting of 5.395 acres and being known as 1024 Township Road 1104.
116-16 12-6-16 Authorizing the sale of certain real estate consisting of 34.35 acres and being known as 2343 Rock Road.
121-16 12-20-16 Authorizing certain land (Ashland Business Park) belonging to the City to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
78-17 8-15-17 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
97-17 9-19-17 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
111-17 11-7-17 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
112-17 11-7-17 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
51-18 8-24-18 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
62-18 9-4-18 Authorizing the Mayor to sell surplus real property belonging to the City by public auction.
101-18 12-18-18 Approves the sale of 8.199 acres to Central Ohio Medical Textiles pursuant to the subject purchase agreement and Ordinance 51-18 is hereby amended to provide for the sale of said 8.199 acres.
112-19 12-17-19 Approving the transfer of certain real property known as Lot 482 South Ashland and being PPN: P44-045-A-0069-00 to the County of Ashland.
113-19 12-17-19 Authorizing the sale to Denis Fox of the real property known as Ashland County PPNs P43-042-0-0070-00, P43-042-0-0075-00, P43-042-0-0071-00 and P43-042-0-0061-00.
19-22 3-15-22 Approves the transfer back of Hillsdale Development, LLC of real property known as Lot 67, North Ashland, together with the necessary access easements.
27-22 4-19-22 Authorizing the Mayor to sell certain land being 60 E. Third St., PPN: P43-042-0-0048-00.
28-22 4-19-22 Authorizing the Mayor to sell certain land being 6.729 acres of vacant land on the corner of Wells Rd. and Rock Rd. Permanent Parcel No. P43-184-0-0001-00.
42-22 7-5-22 Authorizing the Mayor to sell certain land being P43-042-0-0050-00, P43-042-0-0060-00, P43-042-0-0061-00, P43-042-0-0062-00, P43-042-0-0070-00, P43-042-0-0071-00, P43-042-0-0073-00, P43-042-0-0074-00, P43-042-0-0075-00, P43-042-0-0076-00, P43-042-0-0079-00, P43-042-0-0080-00, P43-042-0-0081-00, P43-042-0082-00, P43-042-0-0083-00, P43-042-0-0084-00, P43-042-0-0085-00, P43-042-0-0086-00 and P43-042-0-0094-00 (split).
19-22 3-15-22 Approving of the transfer back to Hillsdale Development LLC of the real property known as Lot 67, North Ashland.
80-22 12-6-22 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City (P43-042-A-0056-03, P43-042-A-0056-04 & P43-042-A-0056-00) to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
22-23 3-21-23 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City (P43-042-A-0056-00) to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
40-23 6-20-23 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City (P43-042-0-00039-00 & P43-042-0-0023-00) to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
27-24 4-16-24 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City (P43-042-A-0056-00) to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
48-24 8-6-24 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City (being 22.41 acres of vacant land known as P43-177-0-0001-00) to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
35-24 9-3-24 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City (118 W. Main St., P43-042-A-0002-00 and P43-042-A-0001-00), to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.
89-24 12-30-24 Authorizing certain land belonging to the City (being 11.047 acres of vacant land known as P43-177-0-0001-00) to be sold through the Community Improvement Corporation.