(a)    Permit Required. All industrial dischargers proposing to connect to or to discharge sewage, industrial wastes and other wastes to the City's wastewater facilities shall be subject to the requirement of a Wastewater Discharge Permit before connecting to or discharging to the City's wastewater facilities. All existing Industrial Dischargers connecting to or discharging to the City shall be subject to the requirement of a Wastewater Discharge Permit.
   The City shall determine which industrial dischargers shall be required to obtain a Wastewater Discharge Permit. The potential or existing Discharger shall be notified in writing by the Director to submit a Permit Application, if the City determines through discussions, questionnaires, existing analytical data or other reasonable means that the Industrial Discharger will or potentially may be required to have a Wastewater Discharge permit. The Discharger shall provide all information requested including a wastewater analyses if required by the City to evaluate the need for a permit. The City shall determine when a permit is required based on the Industrial Discharger's potential impact on the sewerage system, wastewater treatment plant operations, solids residuals and the receiving stream. Factors considered shall include but not be limited to:
      (1)    Industry is subject to EPA Categorical Standards or other Federal or State laws.
      (2)    Industry uses materials or compounds which are regulated, toxic or a problem at the Wastewater Treatment Plant or discharges them in concentration levels above "background" levels (i.e. concentration levels found in typical average wastewater discharges by non-industrial sources.)
      (3)    Industry discharges or has the potential to discharge conventional pollutants in amounts which may upset the Wastewater Treatment Plant,
      (4)    Industry discharges wastewater which is a significant portion of Wastewater Treatment Plant flow.
   Those industries required to obtain a wastewater discharge permit shall file a Permit application within ninety (90) days of written notice by the City's I.P.P.
   Generally, dischargers which are a single facility location of a single company or management but have more than one connection at the facility to the sewerage system will be required to consolidate the discharges into a single discharge point or obtain a permit for each discharge point unless:
      (1)    Means such as flow metering are provided to properly composite samples on separate discharges;
      (2)    Discharges are shown not to contain pollutants above background levels; or
      (3)    Other arrangements or monitoring approaches are used which provide the same level of surveillance and reliability of a single combined discharge and are approved by the Inspector.
   Where multiple discharge permits are required, each permit shall be considered individually with regard to the establishment of discharge limits, monitoring frequency and other conditions and requirements of the permit.
   (b)    Permit Application. Industrial Dischargers required to submit a Permit Application shall complete and file with the City an application in the form prescribed by the Director and accompanied by the Permit Fee specified in Section 921.75 (c). Proposed new Dischargers shall apply at least ninety (90) days prior to anticipated connection to the wastewater system. No discharge permit shall be issued unless and until the Disclosure Requirements contained in Section 921.30 have been met.
   (c)    Permit Application Review. The Director will evaluate the complete application and data furnished by the Discharger and may require additional information. Within thirty (30) days after full evaluation and acceptance of the data furnished, the Authority shall issue a Wastewater Discharge Permit subject to terms and conditions provided herein.
   (d)    Permit Modification. The City reserves the right to amend any Wastewater Permit issued hereunder in order to assure compliance by the Authority with applicable laws and regulations. Within nine (9) months of the promulgation of a National Categorical Pretreatment Standard, the Wastewater Discharge Permit of each Discharger subject to such standard shall be revised to require compliance with such standards within the time frame prescribed by such standards. All National Categorical Pretreatment Standards adopted after the promulgation of this chapter shall be adopted by the City as part of this chapter. Where a Discharger, subject to a National Categorical Pretreatment Standard, has not previously submitted an application for a Wastewater Discharge Permit as required by Section 921.37 (a), the Discharger shall apply for a Wastewater Discharge Permit from the Authority within 180 days after the promulgation of the Applicable National Categorical Pretreatment Standard by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, the Discharger with an existing Wastewater Discharge Permit shall submit to the Authority within 180 days after the promulgation of an applicable National Categorical Pretreatment Standard, the information required by Section 921.30 (a)(8) and (9). The Discharger shall be informed of any proposed changes in his permit at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of change. Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance.
   (e)    Permit Conditions. Wastewater Discharge Permits shall specify no less than the following:
      (1)    Fees and charges to be paid upon initial permit issuance;
      (2)    Limits on the wastewater constituents and characteristics regulated thereby;
      (3)    Limits on rate and time of discharge and/or requirements for flow regulations and equalization;
      (4)    Requirements for installation and maintenance of special inspection and sampling facilities where same differ from the requirements of Section 921.32 ;
      (5)    Special conditions as the Director may reasonably require under particular circumstances of a given discharge including sampling locations, frequency of sampling, number, types, and standards for tests and reporting schedule;
      (6)    Compliance schedules;
      (7)    Requirements for submission of special technical reports or discharge reports where same differ from those prescribed by this chapter.
   (f)   Permits Duration. All Wastewater Discharge Permits shall be issued for a period not to exceed five (5) years, subject to amendment or revocation as provided in this chapter. Under extraordinary circumstances, a permit may be issued for a period shorter than five (5) years.
   (g)    Wastewater Discharge Permit Reissuance. A user with an expiring Wastewater Discharge Permit shall apply for wastewater discharge permit reissuance by submitting a complete permit application, in accordance with Section 921.37 (b), a minimum of ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the user's existing wastewater discharge permit.
   (h)    Limitation on Permit Transfer. Wastewater Discharge Permits are issued to a specific Discharger for a specific operation and are not assignable to another Discharger without the prior written approval of the Director, or transferable to any other location.
   (i)    Permit Application Fee. All Wastewater Discharge Permit Applications shall be accompanied by a non-refundable permit fee as specified in Section 921.75 (c).