No person shall make or construct any driveway or entrance from any public street in the City, across and over any sidewalk or curb upon any street or alley and to any private property bounding or abutting on any street without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Building and Zoning Inspector. All permits herein provided for shall become null and void six months from the date of issuance. There shall be no fee for a driveway permit.
(Ord. 4122. Passed 12-2-57.)
Not more than two driveways shall be constructed from any street to any tract of land operated as one place of business. Where a place of business is located at the intersection of two streets, not more than two driveways shall be constructed from each street, and no driveways shall be constructed nearer than twenty feet from the longest point of the curb radius at an intersection. (Ord. 4122. Passed 12-2-57.)