901.01 Permit and bond.
901.02 Fee schedule.
901.03 Specifications.
901.04 Insurance required.
901.05 Liability.
901.06 Exception when connection is made by order of the Mayor.
901.99 Penalty.
Care and control - see CHTR. §102
Alteration of streets - see CHTR. §103
Power to establish and care for streets - see Ohio R.C. 715.19, 717.01, 723.01
Opening of streets - see Ohio R.C. 723.02
Excavation liability - see Ohio R.C. 723.49 et seq.
Street Division - see ADM. Ch. 137
Removal of lanterns or warning barricades - see GEN. OFF. 541.04
Obstructions in the fire limits - see BLDG. 1311.05