General Provisions
70.01 Illinois Vehicle Code; definitions adopted
70.02 Obedience to police
70.03 Scene of fire
70.04 Unauthorized signs
70.05 Interference with signs or signals
70.06 Advertising signs
70.07 County Highway No. 25
Stop and Through Streets
70.20 Through streets
70.21 One-way streets or alleys
70.22 Stop streets
70.23 Yield right-of-way streets
70.24 Posting signs
70.25 School crossing zones
Driving Rules
70.35 Illinois Vehicle Code; rules of the road adopted
70.36 Driving rules
70.37 Sound amplification system
70.38 Excessive noise; stopped vehicle
70.39 Wheels; excessive noise
70.40 Squealing tires
70.41 Excessive noise while driving
70.42 Compression release engine braking
Equipment of Vehicles
70.55 Illinois Vehicle Code; equipment of vehicles adopted
70.56 Muffler
70.99 Penalty